Adoption Information Disclosure Application to Register or Withdraw a Disclosure VetoTo allow adopted persons and birth parents to submit a service request to the Office of the Registrar General to register or withdraw a Disclosure Veto under the Vital Statistics Act.003-nm-004
Engineer's Commitment CertificateTo document the engagement of Professional Engineer(s) to provide design and site review of construction under the Nutrient Management Act 267/03, as amended.5065
Application for Highway Corridor Management PermitsAnyone planning to construct on or adjacent to a provincial highway may require a permit from the Ministry of Transportation (MTO). MTO issues permits under the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act and administration of the permits is the responsibility of the Corridor Management Office.3046
Notice of MotionTo request that the Tribunal issue an order.11351
Settling Debt - What You Need To KnowOntario's Collection and Debt Settlement Services Act requires this to be the first page of any debt settlement/credit counselling contract.on00018
Volunteer AgreementThe MNRF Volunteer Agreement outlines the responsibilities of the volunteer and ministry, and the terms and conditions of the assignment. Agreement must be signed by volunteer and/or parent or guardian (if applicable) and the ministry Supervisor at the start of each volunteer assignment.sr-e-503
Special Amendment0001
Reappointment Information FormPublic appointees to complete this form at least four months prior to the expiration of their appointment to indicate their interest in being reappointed (completed at the direction of the requestor).on00270
Duty Status Graph GridForm 1 is a prescribed graph grid required by Ontario Regulation 555/06: Hours of Service that a driver uses to indicate which duty status they are in at given times throughout the day.012-2198
Capped Participant Attestation Under Sections 12(2) and (6) of Ontario Regulation 143/16This attestation form is to be used by a person who is a capped participant that receives petroleum products at the capped facilities in Ontario or persons who supply petroleum products to capped facilities of capped participants in Ontario.013-1351
Paid-Up Capital- Partnerships/Joint VenturesThis schedule provides the calculation of a corporation's share of partnership / joint venture paid- up capital.002-5205
Complaint Regarding an Ontario Government ProcurementSuppliers who have an Ontario Government procurement complaint are required to complete and submit this bid dispute form and attach a detailed description of the complaint with relevant background information0051
Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF) 2018 Top-Up Application ComponentTo express interest in applying to the Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund.003-0172
Notice of On-site Meeting for Construction or Improvement Project – Form 4Give notice to property owner(s) of on-site meeting with the appointed engineer to examine the area and site of proposed drainage works.on00058
Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program Regional Immigration Pilot IntakeApplicants under the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP)'s Regional Immigration Pilot should complete this form and email the form to regionalimmigration@ontario.ca. Completion of this form does not mean you have a completed application for the OINP. If all the information in the form is confirmed as accurate, you will receive further notification on submitting an application.on00410
Fuel and Gasoline Products Inventory ReportFuel and Gasoline clients in Ontario (retailers, wholesalers, importers and collectors) who hold tax paid inventory as at 12:01 a.m., July 1, 2022, for the purpose of reselling, must complete this Fuel and Gasoline Products Inventory Report and forward it to their supplier. Please retain a copy of this Inventory Report for your own records.