Long-Term Care Home Inspection Report RequestAll Long-Term Care Home (LTCH) Inspection reports are posted on the Long-Term Care Homes public website (http://publicreporting.ltchomes.net/en-ca/default.aspx), in English. To request an accessible version or a French version of an Inspection report for a specific LTCH, please complete this form and submit it to the Health Data Branch (HDB), Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.on00197
Application for Certificate to Act as an ExaminerFor non-emergency, on-farm slaughter, a certificate is required to provide stunning, slaughter and dressing services, perform ante mortem and post mortem examinations and ensure humane animal handling and sanitary dressing.003-atdia-005
Application To Upgrade a Machine Operator's LicenceAn application is required in order upgrade a machine operator's licence used to operate a tile drainage machine.003-atdia-004
Application For a Business Licence (Licence to Install Drainage Works)To obtain a new business licence, the Regulations under the Agricultural Tile Drainage Installation Act indicate that all businesses must employ a least one Class “A” operator and have access to one licensed machines. To issue a new business licence, an inspection of your operation will be necessary. All business licences are issued for a one-year term expiring March 31; the fee for this licence is $250.00.003-atdia-003
Notice of Transfer of a MachineWhen a tile drainage machine changes ownership, the Regulations under the Agricultural Tile Drainage Installation Act requires that a notice of transfer of a machine must be completed and submitted within ten days after the transfer occurs. Where the machine is already licensed, this licence will be transferred to the new owner.003-atdia-002
Application For a Machine LicenceA machine licence is required for a machine used to install tile drainage on agricultural land.003-atdia-001
Application For a Machine Operator's LicenceA licence is required to operate a tile drainage machine.014-4431-84
Primary Health Care Unattached Patient Declarationform used, in urgent cases (i.e. patient was in hospital, newborn in NICU) where patient has no family physician so can join primary group.013-2083
Ontario Scientific Research and Experimental Development Expenditures CT23 Schedule 161This schedule is used to calculate Ontario Scientific Research and Experimental Development Expenditures (SR & ED).004-0423
Application for an Extension of TimeThis form is used by a potential appellant before the Fire Safety Commission to request an extension for filing an appeal outside the statutory period.014-4853-44
Reinstating Access to Information in the Ontario Laboratories Information System (OLIS)Complete this form if you wish to have the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care reinstate your laboratory test information in the Ontario Laboratories Information System (OLIS) after your lab test has been completed.013-9980
Direct Deposit RequestUsed to obtain direct deposit bank account information for refunds and rebates for certain AMCB programs.014-0005-54
Certificate of DeathCertificate of Death – Form 1 to be completed by an attending physician or registered nurse in the extended class pursuant to s. 17(2)(a) of Reg. 965 – Hospital Management made under the Public Hospitals Act.014-2404-84
Claims Flagged for Manual Reviewform submitted with claims to provide additional information regarding particular claimon00092
Accessibility Training Requirements ChecklistTo provide guidance to the regulated community on the accessibility training requirements outlined by Regulation 191/11.012-2122
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Written DeclarationTo complete and submit a written declaration if the purchaser is not a licensed treated seed vendor.012-2142
Change of OwnershipThis form is to be used by the primary or alternate account representative (PAR or AAR) of a participant registered under the Climate Change Mitigation and Low Carbon Economy Act, 2016 to notify the Director of any changes in company or facility ownership pursuant to O. Reg 144/16 The Cap and Trade Program (Cap and Trade Regulation) made under the Climate Change Mitigation and Low Carbon Economy Act, 2016.