Municipal Utility Monitoring Program (MUMP) - Lagoons - S1 and S2All owners of “lagoons” should make S1 submissions. A “lagoon” maybe subject to a discharge limit or objective that goes beyond the “conventional” parameters listed on the S1 form. In that case, the information would be entered on the S2 form.013-0169
Addendum to Sworn Statement when Claiming a Retail Sales Tax Exemption on the Transfer of a Motor Vehicle between Corporations or Corporation and ShareholderAddendum to Sworn Statement when Claiming a Retail Sales Tax Exemption on the Transfer of a Motor Vehicle between Corporations or Corporation and Shareholder012-on00030
Species at Risk Stewardship Program Application 2020-2021Use this form to apply for funding through the Species at Risk Stewardship Program.009-0022
Notice of Intent: Large InfrastructureThe Ontario Research Fund – Research Infrastructure - provides research institutions with funding to help support infrastructure needs such as modern facilities and equipment.008-0149
Invoice for Transportation of Dead BodyFor costs incurred in transporting a body under a coroner's warrant. To be used by body transportation service providers in invoicing the Office of the Chief Coroner.130-7540-1055
Conflict of Interest Declaration for Public Servants (Ministry Employees, Public Body Employees/Appointees and Ontario Provincial Police Employees - Civilian and Uniform)For disclosure of potential conflict of interest for public servants including ministry employees and public body employees/appointees. Note: Adobe Reader version 11.0.04 or up is needed for the full functionality of the form.014-3057-87
Nutrition ProductsUsed for obtaining authorization for nutrition products as an ODB benefit under certai circumstances014-4575-64
Vaccine Cold Chain Incident Exposure/Wastage ReportUsed by public health units to report vaccine cold chain incidents and wasted or exposed vaccine.044-0044
Natural Gas Grant ProgramNatural Gas Grant Program Application Form2208
Notice of ReadvertisementThis is the form that is prescribed as Form 10 under Ontario Regulation 181/03 made under the Municipal Act, 2001 (as that Regulation reads on or after January 1, 2018).012-2135
Drinking Water Certificate and Wastewater Licence Renewal ApplicationComplete this form to request the renewal of a drinking water operator, water quality analyst or wastewater operator certificate/licence.017-10554p
Declaration of Identity – Form 9To be completed at the voting place by a person who is on the voters' list, but who does not have proof of identity and proof of residence.017-10552p
Financial Statement - Auditor's Report Third Party - Form 8To be completed by every registrant for a question on the ballot in a municipal or school board election. Must be filed with the municipal clerk.017-10551p
Notice of Registration - Third Party - Form 7To be completed by an individual, corporation or trade union that wishes to incur expenses for a question on a municipal ballot. Must be filed with the municipal clerk.017-10550p
Notice of Extension of Campaign Period – Form 6To be completed by a candidate who has a deficit at the end of the regular campaign period and wishes to extend their campaign. Must be filed with the municipal clerk.017-9504p
Financial Statement – Subsequent Expenses Form 5To be completed by a candidate who incurs costs related to a recount, controverted election or compliance audit after the supplementary campaign period has passed, and who receives the surplus funds from their campaign held in trust from the clerk. Must be filed with the municipal clerk.017-9503p
Financial Statement - Auditor's Report Candidate - Form 4To be completed by every candidate in a municipal or school board election. Must be filed with the municipal clerk.017-9502p
Appointment for Voting Proxy – Form 3To be completed by a qualified elector to appoint another person who is a qualified elector in the same municipality to vote or his or her behalf. Two copies of the completed form must be presented to the municipal clerk.017-2233
Endorsement of Nomination - Form 2017-9499p
Nomination Paper - Form 1To be completed by a person wishing to be a candidate in a municipal or school board election. Must be filed with the clerk of the municipality responsible for conducting the election, along with the prescribed fee.