Ontario Autism Program – Expense FormUse this form to report and categorize expenses for Ontario Autism Program: - Childhood Budgets - Interim One-Time Funding Before you report expenses: Check eligible and ineligible expenses for childhood budgets and interim one-time funding https://www.ontario.ca/page/ontario-autism-program-eligible-and-ineligible-expenses-childhood-budgets-and-interim-one-time You can also use this form to apply for and renew Interim One-Time (IOT) Funding, if eligible. Before you apply: Please check if you are eligible for Interim One-Time Funding https://www.ontario.ca/page/ontario-autism-program-interim-one-time-funding#section-1 Before you renew: Please check if you are eligible to get a second Interim One-Time Funding payment https://www.ontario.ca/page/ontario-autism-program-interim-one-time-funding#section-6 Each eligible child and youth can also renew their funding once. You cannot get more than two interim one-time funding payments.on00183
Financial Information – Form ITo provide financial information of the parties to assist the court in the establishment or variation of a support order.on00601
Financial Circumstances FormTo provide financial information of the creditor and debtor to assist in the enforcement of a support order and to assist the court in the establishment or modification of a support order for applications under the 2007 Hague Child Support Convention.on00772
Offence DeclarationThis form is intended for use by persons required to provide an offence declaration under the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 or under the Intercountry Adoption Act, 1998.on00771
Notice of Charge or ConvictionThis document is intended for use by persons required to provide a notice of charge or conviction under the Child, Youth, and Family Services Act, 2017 or under the Intercountry Adoption Act, 1998on00433
Ontario Autism Program Workforce Capacity Fund Applicant ChecklistThe OAP Workforce Capacity Fund Applicant Checklist is a tool that can be used by applicants prior to submitting an application to the Workforce Capacity Fund to confirm their eligibility to apply for funding. The checklist outlines all eligibility requirements for the Fund, and helps applicants determine if they are eligible to proceed with an application.on00434
Ontario Autism Program: Workforce Capacity Fund Application GuidelinesThe OAP Workforce Capacity Fund Applicant Guidelines provide information on the Workforce Capacity Fund, including the intent of the Fund, eligibility requirements, in-scope and out of scope activities, instructions on how to apply, and ministry contact information for applicant questions.on00010
Ontario Autism Program Interim One-Time Funding - Independent Youth ApplicationIndependent youths registered in the Ontario Autism Program can use this form to apply for Interim One-Time Funding. Before you apply: please check if you are eligible for Interim One-Time Funding: https://www.ontario.ca/page/ontario-autism-program-interim-one-time-funding#section-1on00008
Ontario Autism Program Interim One-Time Funding - Primary Caregiver ApplicationPrimary Caregivers of children registered in the Ontario Autism Program can use this form to apply for Interim One-Time Funding. Before you apply: please check if your child is eligible for Interim One-Time Funding: https://www.ontario.ca/page/ontario-autism-program-interim-one-time-funding#section-1006-1107
Rights and Responsibilities Ontario WorksOutlines the rights and responsibilities for individuals on Ontario Works.006-fro-009
Registration for Direct Deposit006-3122
Developmental Services Consolidated Information System User Registration RequestTPAs delivering Developmental Services (DS) must use this form to register or change the enrolment status of an approved DSCIS User3257
OAP Clinical Supervisor Attestation FormTo confirm the professionals clinically supervising behavioural services in the Ontario Autism Program meet the program's qualification requirements.on00281
Partner Facility Renewal 2024-2025 Program and Application GuideProvides program and application instructions for the Partner Facility Renewal program.006-2865
Rights and Responsibilities Ontario Disability Support ProgramOutlines the rights and responsibilities for individuals on ODSP.on00589
Women’s Economic Security ProgramWomen’s Economic Security Program006-fro-005
Registration Package006-3249
Formal Complaint To A Society's Internal Complaints Review Panel (ICRP)This form is for use by persons making a complaint to a children's aid society's Internal Complaints Review Panel (ICRP) about a service sought or received from a society.on00588
WESP Application Guidelines 2023-2024Women’s Economic Security Program Application Guidelines 2023-2024