Paper application required to register via mail. This form is submitted to authorize the MOHLTC (Oshawa) to deal with another person (such as your spouse or common-law partner, other family member, friend, or accountant) as your representative for HSO program matters.
Sworn Statement to Applying for an Accessible Parking Permit on Behalf of an Adult Incapable of Signing
Each constructor and employer engaged in a construction project in Ontario must complete this registration form. This form must be at the project while the employer is working there.
Used to authorize a representative to deal with the Ministry of Finance on behalf of the taxpayer or to cancel a previously issued authorization.
First Nations clients receiving Ontario Works will fill out this form and mail it to the HSO Program Administrator in order to enroll in the Healthy Smiles Ontario Program.
For lower-tier municipalities located within specific upper-tier municipalities to enact a by-law for drainage works.
This form is the prescribed form for an application for initial certificate under section 24 of the Repair and Storage Liens Act, and prescribed as"Form 3" under section 3 of O. Reg. 111/18 FORMS made under that Act.
For Residential School Survivors and their family members reclaiming a name; and for Indigenous persons changing their name to a single name. In order to apply to waive ServiceOntario fees, submit this application with an application change an adult's and/or child's name and/or a request to amend a birth or marriage registration following a legal name change.
Complete this form to register for any water or wastewater certification examination. If applying for an Operator-in-Training (OIT) exam, you may also request to have your OIT certificate(s)/licence(s) issued using this form.
Right to Access personal property for purposes of hunting
Notice to a property owner to remove obstructions from drainage works
Notice of Transfer from a School - Immunization of School Pupils Act