Application for Equipment Listing Insulin PumpsUse by vendor/manufacturer to apply for equipment listing insulin pumps.2180
Request Approval Under para 3 s.11(1) LAQR for a Plan for Combined Assessment of Modelled & MeasuredThis form will be used to evaluate requests for approval of a plan for the combined assessment of modelled and monitored results including the use of meterological data for the purpose of refining emissions rates used in the analysis under paragraph 3 of s.11(1) of Ontario Regulation 419/05009-0055
Entrepreneurship Learning Stream Eligibility ChecklistThis checklist is a tool for the Ministry to make an initial assessment of a project's eligibility for funding under the Entrepreneurship Learning Stream (ELS).026-on00019
Guide to the OCC-OFPS Secure Web FormGuide to the OCC-OFPS Secure Web Form014-0864-84
Authorization for Group PaymentForm completed by provider authorizing payment to go to group013-1155
Sworn Statement for the Transfer of a Used Motor Vehicle in the Province of OntarioTransfer of a Used Motor Vehicle in ON2172
Report of a Waste Audit - Large Construction and Demolition ProjectsThis report must be prepared before construction or demolition begins at the site. The waste audit must be retained on file for at least five years after it is prepared, and be made available to the ministry upon request.012-2145
Freedom of Information Request PaymentTo facilitate credit card payment for FOI requests4974-47
Patient Take Home SummaryPharmacists may provide patients with a MedsCheck Patient Take-Home Summary that is intended to further engage patients in identifying ways to build added awareness in their drug therapy and help to identify therapy-related goals.013-0231s
2003 CT8 Corporations Tax Return / GuideAnnual corporate tax return for every insurer carrying on a business in Ontario through a permanent establishment.013-3230
Guide for Completing the Application for Refund Summary and Schedule 1 TEU - Allowance to Retailers - GasolineGasoline Schedule 1 - TEU Claim Summaryon00027
Volunteer Application FormThe MNRF Volunteer Application form outlines the applicant's knowledge, skills, qualifications relative to the individuals volunteer interests. The application form must be completed at the beginning of each new volunteer assignment.017-2034
Application for Validation OrderThis application form is to be used where the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing has the authority under the Planning Act to grant validation orders.021-0368
Application Guidelines for Determination under the Foreign Cultural Objects Immunity From Seizure Act (FCOISA)Application guidelines for the administration of the Foreign Cultural Objects Immunity From Seizure Act (FCOISA). Cultural/educational institution representatives must submit this form in order to have works on loan from foreign institutions protected under the Act. The form should be submitted a minimum of 90 days prior to the shipping date of art from a foreign institution. End result is the publishing of the list of works of art in the Ontario Gazette indicating the works are protected.5304
Register a Firm Name for an Extra-Provincial Limited Liability Partnership - Business Names ActTo register a firm name of an extra provincial limited liability partnership under the Business Names Act (BNA.