2004 Capital Tax Election of Associated Group Agreement for Allocation of Taxable Capital Deduction (TCD)This schedule is to be used by an associated group of corporations who elect to allocate the tax effect from the group's taxable capital exemption based on the previous calender year's total assets. Applies to taxation years ending in the 2004 calendar year.004-0411
Form 9 – Notice of PossessionUnder the Expropriations Act, the expropriating authority uses this form to provide notice to a registered owner that it requires possession of expropriated land. Unless a judge orders otherwise, the date for possession must be at least three months after the date that the notice of possession was served.021-0510
License or Event Permit Application4967-47
Pharmacists WorksheetMust be completed for every MedsCheck; pharmacists must have professional notes and/or a worksheet when conducting a MedsCheck.023-5049
Pre-Paid Account / Registrant AcknowledgmentThis form has to be filled out by a Carrier registrant if they wish to establish a Pre-Paid Account from which the Ministry of Transportation may debit amounts owing under the International Registration Plan (IRP) and Oversize/Overweight (O/O) Programs upon the Registrant's request.002-5209
Security and Confidentiality Agreement of Personal Information for Research Purposes - Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy ActForm 5209 is a template agreement that a researcher and institution would enter into to ensure the security and confidentiality of personal information which may be disclosed for a research purpose.013-0252
Application for Registered Charities Tax RebateTo apply for a Registered Charities Tax Rebate on Land Taxes.05-0211
Ontario Senior Achievement AwardTo recognize outstanding seniors who, after age 65, have made significant contributions to their communities.021-0500
Criteria for Evaluating Potential for Built Heritage Resources and Cultural Heritage LandscapesThe purpose of the checklist is to determine if a property(ies) or project area: is a recognized heritage property may be of cultural heritage value003-0183
Notice to Repair an Award Drain Constructed Under the Ditches and Watercourses ActIn accordance with section 3(18) of the Drainage Act, every ditch constructed under the Ditches and Watercourses Act shall be maintained in accordance with the award of the engineer. Notification to maintain a section of drain that has been assigned.