Ontario Capital Cost Allowance Schedule 8This schedule is to be completed to calculate Ontario capital cost allowance.012-2156
Forest Products- Industry Standard Supplemental Application FormThis is a supplemental form, that is to be submitted by a company in the forest products sector along with the General Application Form to Register to the Technical Standards Registry.014-2045-67
Release of Information About Previous FundingWritten consent to release information enables the Assistive Devices Program to provide a history of previously funded equipment/supplies to a client and/or third party as specified.2181
Request for Approval Under s.13(1) of LAQR for Use of Site Specific Meterological dataThis form will be used to evaluate requests for the use of site-specific meteorological data under section 13 of Ontario Regulation 419/05: Air Pollution - Local Air Quality (the Regulation) made under the EPA013-2262
Associated Employers Exemption AllocationFor 2010 and subsequent years. All eligible employers in an associated group must enter into an agreement to allocate the tax exemption for the year. One of the employers in the group must complete this form allocating the tax exemption and submit it to the ministry by the return due date.003-0184
Notice of Council's Decision on PetitionNotice that a Council of the Corporation of the City, County, Municipality, Town, Township or Village has considered a petition for drainage at their meeting dated, and a decision whether or not to proceed with drainage works was made.on00289
Receipt of Moose Tag Transfer014-2784-87
Drug Benefit Claim Submission FormUsed by pharmacies for submitting claims006-3093
Application to be Named on the Adoption Disclosure RegisterTo allow adopted persons and eligible birth relatives to request to be named on the Adoption Disclosure Register013-0257
Application for a Deferral of PropertyTaxes for Low-Income Seniors or Low-Income Persons with DisabilitiesTo apply for a Deferral of PropertyTaxes for Low-Income Seniors or Low-Income Persons with Disabilities5281
Appointment of Agent for Service/Revised Appointment of Agent for Service - Extra-Provincial Corporations ActTo file an appointment of an agent for service or revise appointment of agent for service by an Extra-Provincial Foreign corporation with share under the Extra-Provincial Corporations Act (EPCA).014-4652-87
Request for Myozyme®006-fro-003
Request for Director's Statement of Arrears (Statement of Account)The Request for Director's Statement of Arrears is another term for statement of account. If a client wants to obtain a statement of their account, they must contact the Family Responsibility Office.The first statement of account will be free while any subsequent requests will be subject to a $25 fee.022-3045
Supported Employment Financial Support AgreementOutlines the roles and responsibilities to Participants, Employers and Service Providers in the event of a Job Trial or a Job Match. Attached to the agreement is a Participant Employment Plan, which provides the opportunity for the Service Provider and the Participant to review the Job Trial or Job Match outcomes. The Participant Employment Plan form also includes a record of any expenditures and training supports that were agreed upon and utilized to assist achieve such outcomes.014-5024-41
Form 4A - Certificate of Continuation009-0064
Social Enterprise Procurement And Investment Readiness FundTo provide the relevant information regarding the Program Guidelines, application instructions and application to the public to apply to the Procurement and Investment Readiness Fund call for proposals.5273
Restated Articles of Incorporation, Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, 2010To restate the articles of an Ontario not-for-profit corporation under the Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, 2010 (ONCA).