Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program. Authorizing or Cancelling a RepresentativeYou may use this form to authorize the program administrator of the Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program to deal with another person (such as your spouse or common-law partner, other family member, friend, or accountant) as your representative for program matters. The same form can be used to cancel a previously-made authorization.006-3183
Vision Care Benefit (Exceptional Circumstances)The form is for requests for medically necessary items that are not in the Ministry of Community and Social Services (MCSS) Vision Care Fee Schedule. Requests may be made where exceptional medical circumstances exist. Service providers must obtain pre-authorization from MCSS before providing Exceptional Circumstances services to clients.022-13-1352
Postsecondary Student Unpaid Work Placement Workplace Insurance ClaimTrack Post secondary students who incur a serious occurance on work placements014-4746-84
Interdisciplinary Health Provider (IHP) Health Number ReleaseForm submitted to ministry to obtain Health Number of patient when not available009-0059
Ontario Network of Entrepreneurs (ONE) Social Enterprise PartnershipProgram Guidelines and Call for Expressions of Interest014-4750-84
Application for IHP GONet Electronic Data Transfer (EDT) ServiceIHPs apply to submit claim information via EDT003-0178
Borrowing By-law for Use by a Regional Municipality, the County of Oxford or The District Municipality of Muskoka – Form 7For specific upper-tier municipalities to enact a borrowing by-law for drainage works on behalf of a lower-tier municipality.018-2367
Road or Trail Construction/Water Crossings Part 4To provide information regarding work requested to take place for purposes of road or trail or watercrossingson00315
Consent Form for the Inherited Metabolic Diseases (IMD) ProgramConsent Form for the Inherited Metabolic Diseases (IMD) Program013-1181
Application for Refund of Ontario Retail Sales Tax for Motor Vehicles Purchased PrivatelyApplication for Refund of Ontario Retail Sales Tax for Motor Vehicles Purchased Privately013-1909
Waiver of Time Limit for Issuing ReassessmentsWaive time limits for assessments and reassessments under Employer Health Tax012-2205
Offset Initiative Registration Application in the Cap and Trade Program Under Ontario Regulation 539/17 Ontario Offset CreditsThe Offset Initiative Registration Application is to be used by sponsors, such as individuals or entities, who wish to register or re-register a single offset initiative pursuant to Ontario Regulation 539/17, Ontario Offset Credits. It is used to provide the Director of the Cap and Trade Branch with information about the offset initiative, including documentation signed and dated by the sponsor.013-0255
Application for RefundTo apply for a Tax Refund.012-2030
Summary of Planned and Completed Pesticide Aerial ApplicationsA person who operates an airborne machine in performing a land or water extermination is required under regulation to make a summary of applications for each extermination. This is the form to maintain this summary.018-0233
Private Gas Well Licence ApplicationThis form only to be used for the licensing of existing wells.013-2413-2005
2005 Capital Tax Election of Associated Group Agreement for Allocation of Taxable Capital Deduction (TCD)This schedule is to be used by an associated group of corporations who elect to allocate the tax effect from the group's taxable capital exemption based on the previous calender year's total assets. Applies to taxation years ending in the 2005 calendar year.