Guide - Completing the Application to Produce – Raw Leaf TobaccoGuide Completing the Application to Produce – Raw Leaf Tobacco013-2496
Corporate Minimum Tax (CMT)This schedule is used if your Total Assets exceeds $5,000,000 or Total Revenue exceeds $10,000,000. These amounts include the aggregate of the total assets and total revenue of any associated corporation, and the corporation's and/or any associated corporation's share of any partnership/joint venture total assets and total revenue.013-2494
Cooperative Education Tax Credit (CETC) - CT Schedule 113The Co-operative Education Tax Credit CETC is a refundable tax credit available to taxpayers hiring eligible university or college students enrolled in a recognized post-secondary education program.003-0182
Notice of Meeting to Consider the Preliminary ReportIn accordance with section 10(2) of the Drainage Act, notice for an owner of land affected to attend a council meeting to consider the preliminary reporton00269
Consent to Disclose Personal InformationThis form is for providing consent to disclose personal information.014-4573-84
Primary Health Care Request to Change Designated Physician - Group EnrolmentUsed by primary care groups who have opted for group enrolment and consent and is only for changing the designated physician of individual patients.044-0032
Municipal Infrastructure Investment Initiative, Funding for Asset Management, Expression of InterestOn August 16, 2012, the Government of Ontario launched the Municipal Infrastructure Investment Initiative. As part of the initiative, funding is being made available to improve asset management planning in small municipalities and Local Services Boards (LSBs).009-0034
Youth Skills Connections Industry Stream Phase I ApplicationSupport applications to the Youth Skills Connections programs013-9968
Financial Questionnaire Assessment - CorporateFor the use of providing financial disclosure when payment arrangements are considered.009-0051
Appendix"A" Ontario Investment and Trade Centre (OITC) WiFi access registration formTerms of use of Ontario Investment and Trade Centre (OITC) wireless network.009-0025
Feedback on the Proposed Revised Customer Service StandardThe Accessibility Standards Advisory Council/Standard Development Committee (ASAC/SDC) was appointed by the Ontario government in 2013 with a mandate to review the Customer Service Standard. The membership of the ASAC/SDC is comprised of a majority of people with disabilities as well as representatives from sectors that must comply with the Customer Service Standard.018-2382
Ontario Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program - Landowner ReportMust be completed to stay eligible in program. MFTIP Landowner Report must include your 19 digit property tax number016-mol-es-026
Self Audit Request - Employer021-0478
Criteria for Evaluating Archaeological PotentialThe purpose of the checklist is to determine if a property(ies) or project area may contain archaeological resources i.e., have archaeological potential.003-0192
Generic Notice of Appeal to Tribunal By a Municipality, Conservation Authority, Ministry of Natural Resources, Road Authority or Public UtilityFor the Council of the Corporation of a City, County, Municipality, Town, Township or Village to appeal to the Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Appeal Tribunal004-0242
Form 3 - Guardianship PlanThis form must be submitted by a person applying to court under the Substitute Decisions Act, 1992 to be appointed guardian of a person who is incapable of personal care.