Out of Province Out-patient Servicesform used for out-patient services incurred by visitors from another province2182
Request for Notice Under s.7(1) of Local Air Quality Reg for Use of a Specified Dispersion ModelThis form will be used to evaluate requests for the use of a specified dispersion model under s. 7 of Ontario Regulation 419/05: Air Pollution - Local Air Quality (the Regulation) made under the EPA014-4367-84
Primary Health Care New Patient Declarationform used so that new patient to primary health group can join that group due to reasons on form023-5061
Service Provider AuthorizationThis form needs to be filled out by a Carrier registrant and the requirements indicated submitted along with the form if the Carrier wishes to designate a Service Provider (Permitting Agency) to act on their behalf of the Oversize/Overweight (O/O) Program.003-nm-005
Nutrient Management Farm Registration FormTo register your Farm Unit under the Nutrient Management Program.014-4901-97
Requisition for NaloxoneRequisition for Naloxone014-4721-84
IHP Electronic Data Transfer (EDT) Undertaking and Acknowledgement for Nurse Practitioners (NP)Form used as part of EDT registration package for IHPs012-2196
Verification Statement for Electricity Importation, Natural Gas Distribution or Petroleum Products SupplyThis form is required to be used by accredited verification bodies (AVBs) to provide a written declaration that attests to whether or not there is a reasonable level of assurance that: 1) a GHG report contains no material discrepancy; and, 2) the report was prepared in accordance with the regulation.023-sr-l-pr-010
Application for CVOR Data Request or Certificate ReplacementCVOR replacement certificate or data sales003-0166
Affidavit of Clerk – Form 5Form that officially confirms the passing of the by-law by a municipality for borrowing money for the construction of drainage works.016-0275
Hoist Operator's Medical CertificateAmendments to Regulation 854 for Mines and Mining Plants made under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, which came into effect on January 1, 2012, included changes to the medical certificate prescribed under section 238 of the regulation. Under these provisions, operators of mine hoists are required to undergo a yearly medical examination by a physician. The certificate, which is completed by the physician, provides a convenient way for stakeholders to comply with these requirements. The certificate will take less than five minutes to complete.013-0241u
2003 CT23 Corporations Tax and Annual Return / Guide # 1000 (2003)Annual corporate tax return for corporations with permanent establishments in Ontario.013-1539
Taxable Capital of Associated Corporations Schedule CT21This schedule must be completed in determining the aggregate taxable capital of an associated group and/or partnership that has a permanent establishment in Canada.014-3437-67
Application for Funding of Changes/Modifications/New Options to ADP Approved DevicesThis form is used by manufacturers/distributors of mobility equipment (wheelchairs and wheeled walkers) for the purpose of making application to the Assistive Devices Program requesting approval to list their respective products on the list of approved devices.012-2028
Application for a Permit to Perform an Extermination from an Airborne MachineA person who operates an airborne machine in performing a land extermination must hold a permit issued by the Director unless exempt under regulation. This is the application form for this purpose.003-nm-001
Farm Unit DeclarationTo identify properties included as part of the farm unit for the purposes of the Nutrient Management Act.006-fro-016
Notice of Re-Filing004-0022
Application to Appeal School Board Expulsion DecisionThis form is for use by applicants to the CFSRB/CRB, an arms length government agency, for a review of a strudent expulsion from a school board pursuant to section 311.7 of the Education Act.014-4818-69
Long-Term Care Home Support Document List - Resident Receiving ODSPTo be used by residents of LTC homes who would like to apply for a reduction in the amount of their basic accommodation fees. This document guides applicants in determining which supporting documents will be required as part of their application. This document is to be used by applicants who are receiving benefits from the Ontario Disability Support Program.