Effective July 1, 2010 retail dealers of tobacco products who do not have a valid Retail Sales Tax Act vendors permit on June 30, 2010, or a current authorization under Ontario's First Nations Cigarette Allocation System, must register for a tobacco retail dealers permit under the Tobacco Tax Act.
The purpose of this form is to gather the information that proponents need to submit to the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) to inform the Ministry's determination of whether or not a proposed activity is likely to contravene subsection 9(1) or 10(1) of the ESA and whether it is advisable for the proponent to apply for an overall benefit permit under section 17 of the ESA prior to proceeding with the activity.
To provide eligible landowners a full package of forms
As per the Forestry Workers Lien for Wages Act, R.S.O. 1990, c F.28, this form is an affidavit to be attached to the Claim of Lien.
Form to show all group locations where physician services provided
Form will be used for NPs to become affiliated with an organization and participate in the NP Service Encounter Tracking and Reporting (SERT) Initiative to receive funding from the MOHLTC