Notice of AppealTo appeal an Order of Administrative Penalty imposed under the Payday Loans Act, 2008014-4817-69
Long-Term Care Home Support Document List - Submitting NOA that included benefit(s) that a resident is no longer receiving because they have transitioned to new benefit(s)To be used by residents of LTC homes who would like to apply for a reduction in the amount of their basic accommodation fees. This document guides applicants in determining which supporting documents will be required as part of their application. This document is to be used by applicants who have a Notice of Assessment from the year when they were 64 years of age.014-4478-84
Adjustmentonline form to be available to providers and to Regional Operations staff on a permanent basis on the internet003-0193
Notice of Appeal to Tribunal by Owner of Land or Public Utility Re: Engineer's ReportFor the Council of the Corporation of a City, County, Municipality, Town, Township or Village to appeal to the Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Appeal Tribunal014-2859-69
Application for Services Form 1Application for services of a homemaker or a nurse014-3975-87
Visudyne Therapy Registration/Funding EnrollmentApplication for reimbursement of cost due to use of Visudyneon00325
Application for Emergency Admission to Secure Treatment ProgramEmergency admission of a child to a secure treatment program.021-0466
Research Standard Questionnaire0215
Volunteer Service AwardsTo recognize youth and adult volunteers for continuous years of commitment and dedicated service to an organization.023-5108
Medical Condition Report023-5080
FMCSA Medical ReportThis form is for drivers that are requesting proof of medical fitness to comply with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) requirement.0210
Ontario Senior of the Year AwardThe Ontario Senior of the Year Award gives each municipality in Ontario the opportunity to honour one outstanding local Ontarian who after the age of 65 has enriched the social, cultural or civic life of his or her community.014-2861-69
Consent to Inspect Assets Form 2Used to determine whether a person who is eligible for homemaking and nurses services is required to pay the fees prescribed for the services.013-0241s
2001 CT23 Corporations Tax and Annual Return / Guide # 1000 (2001)Annual corporate tax return for corporations with permanent establishments in Ontario.2002
Notice of Lead Exceedance Test Results in Plumbing - Municipal Residential and Non-Municipal Year Round Residential Drinking Water Systems (O. Reg 170/03 Schedule 15.1)In accordance with the Drinking Water Systems Regulation (O. Reg 170/03), Schedule 15.1, the following drinking water systems are required to take plumbing and distribution samples and to have the samples tested for Lead by a licensed laboratory: • Large Municipal residential systems • Small Municipal residential systems • Non-municipal year round residential systems.014-4590-64
Response to Adverse Drinking Water Quality Incidents - ResolveThis form is completed by Public Health Boards when MOH site is down.