OHIP Group Registration for Health Care ProfessionalsForm used by physicians to register with group014-4594-84
Fact Sheet - Gift of Life Consent Form - Organ and Tissue Donor Registrationaccompanied with form completed by clients to record their wishes for organ/tissue donation014-5050-67
Vendor Registration Application - Home Oxygen TherapyThe Vendor Registration Application form is an interactive form that will be completed by an Ontario retailer or supplier of home oxygen therapy who is requesting registration with the Assistive Devices Program.004-0414
Form 4 – Notice of GroundsThe expropriating authority uses this form to serve notice of the grounds upon which it intends to rely at a hearing requested by an owner under s. 6(2) of the Expropriations Act. Notice must be served on each party to the inquiry at least five days before the date fixed for the hearing.002-5229
Final Certificate under Section 24This form is the prescribed form for a final certificate under section 24 of the Repair and Storage Liens Act, and prescribed as"Form 6" under section 6 of O. Reg. 111/18 FORMS made under that Act.014-4551-87
Application and Consent for the Inherited Metabolic Diseases (IMD) ProgramFor physicians and patients to apply for the Inherited Metabolic Disorders (IMD) Program.0214
Lieutenant Governor's Community Volunteer Award for StudentsThe Lieutenant Governor's Community Volunteer Award for Students pays tribute to students who not only complete the required number of volunteer hours to graduate, but who go above and beyond. Each year, an award is given to one graduating student at each of Ontario's secondary schools.on00265
Ontario Together Fund Eligibility Screening Pre-ApplicationThe purpose of this pre-application form is for prospective applicants to the Ontario Together Fund to provide an overview of their business and proposed project for the purpose of determining their eligibility to apply for funding under the program.010-3043
Notice of Administrative Penalty - Application for ReviewUnder the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014 a person who has been issued a Notice of Administrative Penalty may request a review of the notice in a form approved by the Minister. The authority to approve these forms has been delegated to the Director of CCQAL Branch.014-3266-54
Application for Reduction of Assessed Co-payment FeesThis form is to be used for a patient who is seeking a reduction to the co-payment or for whom a reduction is sought further to the factors set out in section 10 of Reg. 552 under the Health Insurance Act.003-0198
Notice of Appeal to Tribunal from the Court of RevisionNotice that the appellant(s) to the Court of Revision appeal to the Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Appeal Tribunal.7219-41
Form 17 - Notice to the Board of the Need to Schedule a Mandatory Review of a Patient's Involuntary Status under Subsection 39(4) of the ActNotice to the Board of the Need to Schedule a Mandatory Review of a Patient's Involuntary Status under Subsection 39(4) of the Act012-2136
Drinking Water Certificate and Wastewater Licence ApplicationComplete this form to request the issuance of a drinking water operator, water quality analyst or wastewater operator certificate/licence.017-2030
Application to Amend or Revoke a Minister's Zoning OrderThis form is to be used for applications to amend or revoke a Minister's zoning order (MZO).