Prescribed Form of Summons Under Subsection 33(4) of the ActThe purpose of this form is for a Summons under s. 33(4) of the Public Inquiries Act, 2009.004-0242
Form 3 - Guardianship PlanThis form must be submitted by a person applying to court under the Substitute Decisions Act, 1992 to be appointed guardian of a person who is incapable of personal care.004-0419
Form 12 – Declaration of Abandonment (Land Registered under the Land Titles Act)Under the Expropriations Act, where land to be abandoned is registered under the Land Titles Act, the expropriating authority registers this form in the proper land registry office. The form is also served on each owner.004-0408
Form 1 – Application for Approval to Expropriate LandAn expropriating authority uses this form to apply for approval to expropriate land under the Expropriations Act.004-0424
Summons to a WitnessThis form is used by a party before the Animal Care Review Board to request a summons be issued.004-0243
Form 4 - Request for Assessment of Capacity under Section 16A person can use this form to request a designated capacity assessor to perform an assessment of another person's capacity or of the person's own capacity for the purpose of determining whether the Public Guardian and Trustee should become the person's statutory guardian of property.004-0415
Form 5 – Certificate of ApprovalThe approving authority uses this form to certify its approval of a proposed expropriation under s. 8(3) of the Expropriations Act. If the approval is endorsed on a plan of the land intended for registration under s. 9, Form 6 should be used.004-0412
Form 2 – Notice of Application for Approval to Expropriate LandAn expropriating authority uses this form to serve notice of its application for approval to expropriate upon each registered owner of the lands to be expropriated. The expropriating authority must also publish the notice in accordance with s. 6(1) of the Expropriations Act.004-csd-009
Interpreter Request/CancellationInforms TCIU that an interpreter is required for a specified court action, or cancels an existing request. Contains information about the case, language requested, contact details of requestor and special instructions. Available in both internal and external versions.004-0245
Form 6-Optional Statement to Appoint a Guardian of the Person under Subsection 71 (1)A person applying to court under the Substitute Decisions Act, 1992 to be appointed as a guardian of the person for a person who is incapable of personal care may submit this form with their application. The form contains a statement by a person who knows the person alleged to be incapable and who has been in personal contact with him or her during the twelve months before the notice of application was issued.004-0409
Form 7 – Notice of ExpropriationUnder the Expropriations Act, the expropriating authority must serve this form on registered owners (and may serve the form on owners as defined in s. 1(1) of the Expropriations Act) when a plan of expropriation has been filed in the land registry office but no agreement as to compensation has been made. The form must be served within thirty days after the date of registration of the plan.3045
Summons to a Witness004-0416
Form 6 – Certificate of Approval (on Expropriation Plan)The approving authority uses this form to certify its approval of a proposed expropriation if the approval is endorsed on a plan of the land intended for registration under s. 9 of the Expropriations Act.004-0008
Refusal of Adoption - Child and Family Services Review Board Application - Child and Family Services Act - Section 144To enable a person to request a review of a CAS or licensee decision to refuse an appl. to adopt or remove a child who has been placed for adoption.004-3805
Request Form - Access to ExhibitsThis form will allow members of the public and media to request access to exhibits in criminal cases and exhibits entered into evidence during civil and family trials.004-0247
Form 8 - Statement to Appoint a Guardian of Property by Summary Disposition under Section 72A person applying to court under the Substitute Decisions Act, 1992 to be appointed as a guardian of the person for a person who is incapable of personal care may use this form if they want the application to be dealt with by summary disposition.