Water Wastewater Operator Certification System User Access RequestComplete this form to gain access to the Water Wastewater Operator Certification System (WWOCS).012-2131
Change of Address NotificationComplete this form to notify the Program Administrator of the Ontario Water Wastewater Operator Certification Program of your change of address.012-2155
Foundries- Industry Standard Supplemental Application FormThis is a supplemental form, that is to be submitted by a company in the foundries sector along with the General Application Form to Register to the Technical Standard Registry.012-2168
Odour Screening ReportTo determine if, and what, complementary odour documentation is required by a proponent registering on the Air Emissions EASR.012-2134
Municipal Residential Drinking Water Subsystem and Wastewater Facility ClassificationComplete this form to request the classification or reclassification of a municipal residential drinking water subsystem or wastewater facility. A separate application must be made for each subsystem or facility.2188
Ontario CITSS Cross-Jurisdiction Users FormThis form is to be used by individuals who have already been approved as users in the Compliance Instrument Tracking System Service (CITSS) by a jurisdiction other than Ontario and now wish to serve as an account representative or an account viewing agent for an Ontario participant.012-2160
Director Approved Continuing Education Reassessment and Instructor Assessment ApplicationComplete this form to request the reassessment and re-approval of Director approved continuing education training or to add/remove an instructor from a course012-2124
Custom Seed Treater - Record of Seed Treating ServiceTo monitor the frequency of seed treating services in the province of Ontario.2002
Notice of Lead Exceedance Test Results in Plumbing - Municipal Residential and Non-Municipal Year Round Residential Drinking Water Systems (O. Reg 170/03 Schedule 15.1)In accordance with the Drinking Water Systems Regulation (O. Reg 170/03), Schedule 15.1, the following drinking water systems are required to take plumbing and distribution samples and to have the samples tested for Lead by a licensed laboratory: • Large Municipal residential systems • Small Municipal residential systems • Non-municipal year round residential systems.012-2136
Drinking Water Certificate and Wastewater Licence ApplicationComplete this form to request the issuance of a drinking water operator, water quality analyst or wastewater operator certificate/licence.2182
Request for Notice Under s.7(1) of Local Air Quality Reg for Use of a Specified Dispersion ModelThis form will be used to evaluate requests for the use of a specified dispersion model under s. 7 of Ontario Regulation 419/05: Air Pollution - Local Air Quality (the Regulation) made under the EPA012-2196
Verification Statement for Electricity Importation, Natural Gas Distribution or Petroleum Products SupplyThis form is required to be used by accredited verification bodies (AVBs) to provide a written declaration that attests to whether or not there is a reasonable level of assurance that: 1) a GHG report contains no material discrepancy; and, 2) the report was prepared in accordance with the regulation.012-2028
Application for a Permit to Perform an Extermination from an Airborne MachineA person who operates an airborne machine in performing a land extermination must hold a permit issued by the Director unless exempt under regulation. This is the application form for this purpose.018-0180
Information Gathering Form for activities that may affect species or habitat protected under the Endangered Species ActThe purpose of this form is to gather the information that proponents need to submit to the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) to inform the Ministry's determination of whether or not a proposed activity is likely to contravene subsection 9(1) or 10(1) of the ESA and whether it is advisable for the proponent to apply for an overall benefit permit under section 17 of the ESA prior to proceeding with the activity.012-2125
Minister's Award for Environmental ExcellenceThe award recognizes and encourages environmental excellence, fosters innovation and raises awareness about the importance of protecting the environment. Eligible applicants are asked to submit an application form to be considered for an award.012-2158
Great Lakes Protection Act, 2015 – Public Request to MinisterUnder Section 30 of the Great Lakes Protection Act, 2015, anyone can request that the Minister set a Great Lakes target, or launch the process of creating a “geographically-focused initiative” to direct action on a priority area and issue. This form provides a “one window” approach to receiving incoming requests.012-1868
Out-of-Province Permission Letter for List of Out-of-Province Eligible LaboratoriesFor Labs outside Ontario to apply to test Drinking Water in Ontario012-2205
Offset Initiative Registration Application in the Cap and Trade Program Under Ontario Regulation 539/17 Ontario Offset CreditsThe Offset Initiative Registration Application is to be used by sponsors, such as individuals or entities, who wish to register or re-register a single offset initiative pursuant to Ontario Regulation 539/17, Ontario Offset Credits. It is used to provide the Director of the Cap and Trade Branch with information about the offset initiative, including documentation signed and dated by the sponsor.012-2030
Summary of Planned and Completed Pesticide Aerial ApplicationsA person who operates an airborne machine in performing a land or water extermination is required under regulation to make a summary of applications for each extermination. This is the form to maintain this summary.