Form 1 - Notice of Termination of Employment under Subsection 58 (2) of the Employment Standards Act, 2000Under the ESA, employers who are terminating 50 or more employees at an establishment in a 4-week period are required to submit the completed Form 1 to the Director of Employment Standards, to post a copy of the completed Form 1 in the workplace and to provide a copy of the completed Form 1 to each affected employee. Notice of mass termination does not begin until the Director receives the completed Form 1.016-2018
Application for Employment Occupational Health and Safety Inspector - MiningApplication for Employment Occupational Health and Safety Inspector - Mining016-1977
Application for Employment Occupational Health and Safety Inspector - ConstructionApplication for Employment Occupational Health and Safety Inspector - Construction016-1975
Application for Employment Occupational Health and Safety Inspector - IndustrialApplication for Employment to be used in the upcoming Industrial Health & Safety Inspector recruitment for the Ministry of Labour. Applicants will download the form from the Ministry of Labour website and complete the application in order to apply for an Industrial inspector position.on00470
Contravention - Payment FormPlease use this form if you have received an order or notice under one of the following pieces of legislation and are paying the amount of your order or notice, or you are applying for a review. • Employment Standards Act, 2000 • Employment Protection for Foreign Nationals Act, 2009022-12-1666
Income Support while Attending Apprenticeship Classroom TrainingThe Ontario Skills Development Program provides temporary financial assistance to apprenticeship clients who are eligible for Employment Insurance (EI) benefits or who were in receipt of EI benefits in the past. This notice is a summary only.on00540
SDF Capital StreamApplicants interested in applying for the Skills Development Fund (SDF) Capital Stream are to review the SDF Capital Stream Program Guidelines for the SEED and GROW Pathway and the related Qs & As. The Program Guidelines provide background information on the SDF Capital Stream objectives, eligibility requirements, eligible costs, evaluation criteria and performance measurement. The Qs & As provide additional clarity on program parameters.016-0078
Notice of Diesel-Powered EquipmentThis form is completed by employers, as required by section 182 (1) of the Regulation for Mines and Mining Plants, before diesel equipment is first used in an underground mine The completed form must be kept readily available at the mine site.016-0077
Notice for Tunnels, Shafts, Caissons and CofferdamsThis form is used by employers to notify the Ministry of Labour before beginning construction work on a tunnel, shaft, caisson or cofferdam.016-0076
Notice of a Reportable IncidentThis form is used by mining companies to notify the Ministry of Labour of reportable incidents as identified in section 53 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and section 21(5) of the Regulation for Mines and Mining Plants. It includes notification of groundfall or rockburst and vehicle incident or fire.on00575
Pre-Apprenticeship Training Program 2024-2025 Call for Proposals Application GuideApplicants interested in applying for the Pre-Apprenticeship Training Program are to review the Application Guide. The purpose of the guide is to provide interested parties with background information on the program objectives, eligibility requirements for applications, eligible expenses and performance measurement. Beginning October 31, 2024 organizations can begin to apply for funding through Transfer Payment Ontario (TPON).on00775
Ontario Bridge Training Program 2024 Call for Proposals Application GuidelinesThe Application Guidelines provide interested parties with background information on the OBTP delivery model, eligibility requirements for proposals, submission instructions and evaluation criteria.009-0233
Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program - Application for Approval of an Employment Position (Employer Form)This form is to be completed by Ontario employers who are supporting an application to the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program under one of the Employer Job Offer streams. This form must must be given to the applicant to include in their application.on00723
Skills Development Fund Training StreamApplicants interested in applying for the Skills Development Fund Training Stream (SDF TS) are to review the SDF TS Application Guide and Applicant Support Guide. The Application Guide provides background information on SDF TS objectives, focus, eligibility requirements, eligible expenses and performance measurement. The Applicant Support Guide provides step-by-step instructions for completing the application in TPON-SP Connect.016-2024
Application for Approval as an ArbitratorThis form is for individuals who wish to apply to have their name added to the Minister of Labour's list of approved grievance arbitrators.on00675
Surety Bond TemplateThis is a surety bond template, which is to be used in the context of temporary help agency and recruiter licensing under the Employment Standards Act, 2000.022-12-1885
Application for Apprenticeship Training Delivery AgentInstitutions, agencies or organizations interested in delivering apprenticeship in-school training must submit this application. Apprenticeship Training Delivery Agents are approved by the Employment and Training Division, Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development.on00057
Application for Registration and Installation of an X-ray SourceBefore installing or using an X-ray source in the workplace, employers must register with the Radiation Protection Service (RPS). To register, you must submit an application form along with the floor plan drawings indicating where the X-ray source will be located. RPS will review the submission and, once you have received confirmation of approval, you can install and use the X-ray source in the workplace.022-12-0091
Modular Training Application