Ontario Autism Program – Expense FormUse this form to report and categorize expenses for Ontario Autism Program: - Childhood Budgets - Interim One-Time Funding Before you report expenses: Check eligible and ineligible expenses for childhood budgets and interim one-time funding https://www.ontario.ca/page/ontario-autism-program-eligible-and-ineligible-expenses-childhood-budgets-and-interim-one-time You can also use this form to apply for and renew Interim One-Time (IOT) Funding, if eligible. Before you apply: Please check if you are eligible for Interim One-Time Funding https://www.ontario.ca/page/ontario-autism-program-interim-one-time-funding#section-1 Before you renew: Please check if you are eligible to get a second Interim One-Time Funding payment https://www.ontario.ca/page/ontario-autism-program-interim-one-time-funding#section-6 Each eligible child and youth can also renew their funding once. You cannot get more than two interim one-time funding payments.on00010
Ontario Autism Program Interim One-Time Funding - Independent Youth ApplicationIndependent youths registered in the Ontario Autism Program can use this form to apply for Interim One-Time Funding. Before you apply: please check if you are eligible for Interim One-Time Funding: https://www.ontario.ca/page/ontario-autism-program-interim-one-time-funding#section-1on00008
Ontario Autism Program Interim One-Time Funding - Primary Caregiver ApplicationPrimary Caregivers of children registered in the Ontario Autism Program can use this form to apply for Interim One-Time Funding. Before you apply: please check if your child is eligible for Interim One-Time Funding: https://www.ontario.ca/page/ontario-autism-program-interim-one-time-funding#section-1006-fro-010
Financial StatementSupport payors may be requested to complete a Family Responsibility Office Financial Statement to support a Voluntary Arrears Payment Schedule, or because a payor is in default of his/her support obligations and the FRO has begun a default hearing. Documents to provide proof of income must be included with a financial statement.006-3242
Application for a Licence or Renewal of a Licence to Place Children for AdoptionThis is the application for a licence or renewal of a licence to place children for adoption issued by a Director under the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 (this person is generally the Coordinator of the ministry's Private and International Adoption Unit).006-3240
Acknowledgment of Adoption PlacementThis form is signed by prospective adoptive parents when a child is placed with them.006-3239
Director's Registration of Placement of Child for AdoptionA Director uses this form to register the placement of a child for adoption if they become aware of any placement for adoption of a child that has not been registered under subsection 183 (8) of the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017006-3238
Registration of Placement of a Child for AdoptionA children's aid society or a licensee uses this form to register the placement of a child for adoption under subsection 183(7) of the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017.006-3237
Notice to a Director of Proposed PlacementThis form is completed by a licensee who proposes to place a child with an applicant with a view to adoption.006-3095
Application for a Copy of an Adoption OrderTo allow adopted persons of at least 18 years old of age and adoptive parents to request a copy of the adopted person's adoption order with any information which identify a birth parent removed.on00294
Ontario Autism Program - Expense Reporting for Core Clinical ServicesThis form allows families to report and categorize how their Ontario Autism Program Core Clinical Services funding was spent in order to receive the next payment installment or to reconcile for their annual payment.006-3216
Direct Bank Deposit (Electronic Funds Transfer) Enrolment / Change of Information Third Party PayeesTo support direct bank deposit enrolment and information management for third party vendor records in Social Assistance Programs006-fro-015
Cancellation of Third Party Authorization FormThe Cancellation of Third Party Authorization form stops all third party access to a client's case. Once the third party access is cancelled, only the payor or recipient will be able to receive information about their case.006-3090
Adopted Person's and Descendant of Adopted Person's Application to Request a Severe Medical SearchTo allow adopted persons, and their family members, to request a search for an adopted person's birth relative or birth relative's family member, in instances of a severe mental or physical illness006-fro-016
Notice of Re-Filing006-3093
Application to be Named on the Adoption Disclosure RegisterTo allow adopted persons and eligible birth relatives to request to be named on the Adoption Disclosure Register006-fro-003
Request for Director's Statement of Arrears (Statement of Account)The Request for Director's Statement of Arrears is another term for statement of account. If a client wants to obtain a statement of their account, they must contact the Family Responsibility Office.The first statement of account will be free while any subsequent requests will be subject to a $25 fee.006-3092
Application to Update Information or Remove Name from the Adoption Disclosure RegisterTo allow adopted persons and eligible birth relatives to remove their name or update the contact information they wish to share with a matched party on the Adoption Disclosure Register. Also to allow adopted persons to change the list of relatives they wish to be matched with on the Adoption Disclosure Register.