General Allocation Schedule 5This schedule is to be completed by corporations that have permanent establishments in more than one jurisdiction.018-0509
Form for Administrative, Minor or Major Amendments to Area-specific Crown Land Use PolicyThis new, streamlined, AODA compliant form will be available to MNRF staff across the province. This form is used by a variety of MNRF staff to initiate amendments to area-specific land use policy housed within the Crown Land Use Policy Atlas (CLUPA).004-0417
Form 10 – Notice of LandUnder the Expropriations Act, if, before compensation is paid in full, the expropriating authority determines that it does not require the land or part of the land, the expropriating authority must use this form to notify each owner of the land.012-2141
Request to Change or Add Account Representatives/Account Viewing AgentsThis form is to be used by the primary or alternate account representative (PAR or AAR) of a participant registered under the Climate Change Mitigation and Low Carbon Economy Act, 2016 to request Director approval for the following actions taken in the Compliance Instrument Tracking System Service (CITSS): Request to Change/Add Account Representatives and/or Account Viewing Agents002-5221
Bond by Guarantor other than Insurer, Form 3, Bailiffs ActThis form is the prescribed form for a bond of a guarantor, other than an insurer referred to in clause 14(2)(b) of the Bailiffs Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. B.2, accompanied by collateral security, as provided for under clause 14(2)(c) of that Act and prescribed as"Form 3" under paragraph 3 of section 2 of R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 53 made under that Act.010-3064
Reciprocal Education Approach Written Notice for Eligible Students to Attend an Eligible First Nation SchoolTo provide written notice to school boards for students wishing to attend a First Nation school under REA014-4598-67
PAP Device Evaluation Form023-5085
Application for the Manufacturer Plate ProgramApplication for the Manufacturer Plate Program007-11333
Statutory Declaration – By Intended ParentsThis Statutory Declaration is to be completed by Intended Parent(s) when certifying a birth using a surrogate.012-2034
Application for a Permit to Perform a Water ExterminationSection 7(2) of the Pesticides Act requires a person to hold a permit issued by the Director for a water extermination. This application form is for a permit to use a pesticide to control biting flies or aquatic weeds.on00165
Bypass and Overflow Portal AccountFor municipalities to view or submit data about systems or facilities in the portal, an authorized administrator must be identified to the Ministry014-4917-67
Vendor Registration ApplicationThe Vendor Registration Application form is an interactive form that will be completed by an Ontario retailer or supplier of assistive devices who is requesting registration with the Assistive Devices Program.012-2165
Primary Noise Screening Method5392
Well Technician's NoticeThis Notice only applies to a Non-Municipal Year-Round Residential System that has a raw water supply that is ground water, or that has been deemed, under paragraphs 4 or 5 of Section 2(12), section 2 of O. Reg. 170/03, to obtain water from a raw water supply that is ground water under the direct influence of surface water.012-2112
Ontario Community Environment Fund (OCEF)The purpose of Ontario Community Environment Fund is to channel money collected through environmental penalties into projects located in the tertiary watershed in which the violation(s) occurred. Eligible projects include environmental remediation, research and education relating to spills and restoration of the environment, and projects related to spill preparedness.on00407
Medical Certificate to Support Entitlement to Family Caregiver Leave, Family Medical Leave, and/or Critical Illness LeaveThis is a form that employees may wish to provide to a qualified health practitioner to fill out, in order to support their eligibility to take one of these leaves.