This form must be used by a person listed in s. 17(1) of the Substitute Decisions Act, 1992 to apply to replace the Public Guardian and Trustee as an incapable person's statutory guardian of property. The person must also submit a Management Plan (Form 2).
The Employer Registration for Consortium form captures information about the consortium, participating employer, type of business and how many individuals it employs.
The Grant for Apprentice Learning is a financial support to offset income lost while attending in-class for apprentices who are not eligible for Employment Insurance (EI). This form is to apply for funding from the Grant for Apprentice Learning.
Annual corporate tax return for every insurer carrying on a business in Ontario through a permanent establishment.
This form is to be used when claiming an Ontario innovation tax credit (OITC), if your corporation's taxation year ends after December 31, 2004.
The Business Profile form is to be completed by ODSP recipients who are self-employed to provide a description of their business to ODSP staff.
IHPs requesting approval to submit their claims in MRI format
The Engineering Requirement Form indicates which components of a Nutrient Management Strategy will require engineering design and site review of construction. These components are reconciled with the Engineers Commitment Certificate at the building permit application stage.
For lower-tier municipalities to enact a by-law for drainage works.
Application for Authorizer Status
This schedule is to be completed when claiming a deduction for charitable donations and gifts for Ontario purposes.