Statutory Declaration Regarding Sending of Final NoticeThis is the form that is prescribed as Form 4 under Ontario Regulation 181/03 made under the Municipal Act, 2001 (as that Regulation reads on or after January 1, 2018).004-3805
Request Form - Access to ExhibitsThis form will allow members of the public and media to request access to exhibits in criminal cases and exhibits entered into evidence during civil and family trials.004-0247
Form 8 - Statement to Appoint a Guardian of Property by Summary Disposition under Section 72A person applying to court under the Substitute Decisions Act, 1992 to be appointed as a guardian of the person for a person who is incapable of personal care may use this form if they want the application to be dealt with by summary disposition.003-0316
Order to Destroy Noxious Weeds or Weed SeedsThis form is used by Municipal Weed Inspectors, Bylaw Officers, etc., to order the destruction of specified noxious weeds or weed seeds under the Weed Control Act. The form sets out the owner of the property, its location, the specific noxious weed species or noxious weed seeds to be destroyed and the timeline in which to do so.2217
Notice of ReadvertisementThis is the form that is prescribed as Form 9 under Ontario Regulation 579/06 made under the City of Toronto Act, 2006 (as that Regulation reads on or after January 1, 2018).2206
Sale of Land by Public AuctionThis is the form that is prescribed as Form 8 under Ontario Regulation 181/03 made under the Municipal Act, 2001 (as that Regulation reads on or after January 1, 2018).2405
Request for Review of Moose Draw HistoryFor hunters to fill out and provide to us to review possible discrepancies in the moose draw history006-2882
Application for Employment SupportsEmployment Support003-0202
Notice of Request for Drain Maintenance and/or RepairNotice that person affected by a drain requests that it be maintained and repaired in accordance with section 74 and 79(1) of the Drainage Act.013-0241v
2004/2005 CT23 Corporations Tax and Annual Return / Guide # 1000 (2004/2005)Annual corporate tax return for corporations with permanent establishments in Ontario.003-0179
Notice of Compensation Paid for Insufficient Outlet and/or Loss of Access – Form 8To give notice to property owner for compensation paid due to insufficient outlet or loss of access.0387
Attestation for Other Persons Providing Child Care or Services to a Child in a Child Care CentreThis form will assist child care licensees in meeting regulatory requirements for attestations for other persons under the Child Care and Early Years Act (CCEYA).016-mol-es-024
Notification of Compliance3043
Notice of MotionTo request that the Tribunal issue an order.on00326
Emergency Admission to Secure Treatment ProgramThis form is completed by the person in charge of the secure treatment program once the criteria are met for the child's emergency admission to a secure treatment program.2179
Notification of Exceedance - Local Air Quality RegulationThis form will be used to collect information relating to measurerd or modelled air-related exceedances as required by s.25(9), s.28(1) and s.30(3) of Ontario Regulation 419/05: Air Pollution - Local Air Quality (the Regulation) made under the EPA