Structural Inspection Certificate Order Form -
Criteria for Evaluating Marine Archaeological PotentialEvaluating Marine Archaeological Potential014-5055-67
Authorizer Registration Change RequestTo maintain registration of health care professionals, termed authorizers, by the Assistive Devices Program5299
Amend a Registration of a Business Name for a General Partnership for a Limited Partnership - Business Names ActTo amend the registration information for a business name for a general partnership or a limited partnership under the Business Names Act (BNA).004-0416
Form 6 – Certificate of Approval (on Expropriation Plan)The approving authority uses this form to certify its approval of a proposed expropriation if the approval is endorsed on a plan of the land intended for registration under s. 9 of the Expropriations Act.016-0283
Consent to Disclose Personal Information Complaints and Work RefusalsComplaints and Work Refusals Worker consent to authorize the Ministry of Labour and the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board to disclose personal information for the purposes of administering and enforcing the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Section 40 of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act.013-1970
2001 CT23 Corporations Tax and Annual Return and CT8 Corporations Tax Return - 2001/2002 Update FormThis is an interim form and is to be used as a supplement to the 2001 version of the CT23 or CT8 tax return for taxation years ending after September 30, 2001. Once the 2002 versions of the CT23 or CT8 tax returns have been released this Update Form will no longer be required.012-2164
Notice of the Storage of Subject WasteThis form has been prepared to assist waste generation facilities to meet the notice and record keeping requirements of Section 17.2 of Regulation 347.016-jpo-001
Contractor Registration Application for Specialized WorkThis form is used by contractors who want to bring their workers into Quebec to do specialized construction work. This type of work is usually associated with the provision of a warranty.0388
Offence Declaration for Other Persons Providing Child Care or Services to a Child in a Child Care CentreThis form will assist child care licensees in meeting regulatory requirements for offence declarations for other persons under the Child Care and Early Years Act (CCEYA).014-4471-44
Restricting Access to Patient Records In theOntario Laboratories Information SystemComplete this form if you wish to have the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care restrict access to your laboratory test information in the Ontario Laboratories Information System (OLIS) after your lab test has been completed.014-3384-83
Application for OHIP Billing Number for Health ProfessionalsPhysicians complete form to apply for OHIP billing number and/or specialty billing number.017-2235
Disaster Recovery Assistance for Ontarians: Application Form for Small Businesses, Farms and Not-For-Profit OrganizationsDisaster Recovery Assistance for Ontarians (DRAO) is a program that can help you recover costs after a sudden, unexpected natural event, such as a flood or tornado that causes costly and widespread damage in your area. This application form is for eligible small businesses, farms and not-for profit organizations that have been impacted by a natural disaster and are located within the defined geographical area where the program has been activated.012-2210
Mining Sites - Industry Standard Supplemental ApplicationPurpose of the form is to collect information for Registration to a Technical Standard under Section 39 of Ontario Regulation 419/05: Air Pollution - Local Air Quality.023-sr-l-pr-13
International Registration Plan (IRP) ApplicationForm 1 - Carrier Fleet Information Form 2 - Fleet Distance Declaration Form 3 - Gross Vehicle Weight Schedule Form 4 - Vehicle Information