Contravention - Payment FormPlease use this form if you have received an order or notice under one of the following pieces of legislation and are paying the amount of your order or notice, or you are applying for a review. • Employment Standards Act, 2000 • Employment Protection for Foreign Nationals Act, 2009016-1973
Application for Employment - Employment Standards OfficerThis is an application for the upcoming Employment Standards Officer recruitment with the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development.016-0203
Request for Information - Employee Reprisal QuestionnaireThe Employee Reprisal Questionnaire is used to gather information in regards to a complaint filed with the Pay Equity Office.016-0200
Request for Information - Non-Union Employee ApplicantThe Non-Union Employee Questionnaire is used to gather information in regards to a complaint filed with the Pay Equity Office016-0201
Request for Information - Union/Employer QuestionnaireThe Union/Employer Questionnaire is used to gather information in regards to a complaint filed with the Pay Equity Office.016-0202
Request for Information - Represented Employee QuestionnaireThe Represented Employee Questionnaire is used to gather information in regards to a complaint filed with the Pay Equity Office.016-jpo-003
Contractor Registration Application Trade ActivitiesThis form is used by contractors who want to bring their qualified but uncertified workers to do work in Quebec. These workers normally have experience in certain aspects of a voluntary trade but do not hold a certificate for that trade.016-jpo-001
Contractor Registration Application for Specialized WorkThis form is used by contractors who want to bring their workers into Quebec to do specialized construction work. This type of work is usually associated with the provision of a warranty.016-2026
File a workplace health and safety complaintComplete and submit this form to file a complaint with the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development's Health and Safety Contact Centre about a workplace health and safety concern.016-jpo-002
Worker Registration Application Specialized for WorkThis form is used by workers who want to work in Quebec with their Ontario contractor to do specialized construction work. This type of work is usually associated with the provision of a warranty.016-jpo-004
Worker Registration Application for Trade ActivitiesThis form is used for workers who have experience in certain aspects of a voluntary trade and want to work in Quebec with their Ontario employer but who do not hold a certificate for that trade.