Ontario Tools GrantHardcopy form to be provided to a client who does not have access to apply online016-a-17
Application for Right of Access016-a-14
Application for Interim Order016-mol-es-026
Self Audit Request - Employer016-1966
Claim Form - Protecting Child Performers Act, 2015To enable child performers or their parents or guardians to file a claim under the Protecting Child Performers Act, 2015, which sets out the minimum requirements for employers, child performers and parents or guardians.016-1911
Certificate of PostingCertificate of Postingon00129
Grant for Apprentice Learning Program (the Grant) Northern RegionThe Grant for Apprentice Learning is a financial support to offset income lost while attending in-class for apprentices who are not eligible for Employment Insurance (EI). This form is to apply for funding from the Grant for Apprentice Learning.