Notice of Transfer of a MachineWhen a tile drainage machine changes ownership, the Regulations under the Agricultural Tile Drainage Installation Act requires that a notice of transfer of a machine must be completed and submitted within ten days after the transfer occurs. Where the machine is already licensed, this licence will be transferred to the new owner.003-atdia-002
Application For a Machine LicenceA machine licence is required for a machine used to install tile drainage on agricultural land.003-atdia-001
Application For a Machine Operator's LicenceA licence is required to operate a tile drainage machine.003-nm-004
Engineer's Commitment CertificateTo document the engagement of Professional Engineer(s) to provide design and site review of construction under the Nutrient Management Act 267/03, as amended.003-0172
Notice of On-site Meeting for Construction or Improvement Project – Form 4Give notice to property owner(s) of on-site meeting with the appointed engineer to examine the area and site of proposed drainage works.003-0203
Notice of Request for Drain Major Improvement Drainage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. D.17, subs. 78 (1.1)Notice that owner(s) of land affected, request that a drain be improved in accordance with section 78 (1) of the Drainage Act.003-0167
Application for Tile Loan – Form 6Application submitted by a property owner for a tile loan from the municipality under the Tile Drainage Act.003-0302
Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program Application Form - BeesThe application form allows Bee Keepers in Ontario to be reimbursed for damage to bee colonies and hives caused by eligible predators.