Application for Change of Information Regarding Designates Listed on a Commercial Bait LicenceMechanism to change information (e.g., address) of a designate or remove a designate from a commercial bait harvest licence. Designates are persons 16 years (or older) that are granted the authority to harvest bait on behalf of the licence holder in the absence of the licence holderon00372
Claim of Lien – Form 1As per the Forestry Workers Lien for Wages Act, R.S.O. 1990, c F.28, this form is to be used to claim liens upon certain logs or timberon00027
Volunteer Application FormThe MNRF Volunteer Application form outlines the applicant's knowledge, skills, qualifications relative to the individuals volunteer interests. The application form must be completed at the beginning of each new volunteer assignment.fw4511
Landowner's ConsentRight to Access personal property for purposes of huntingon00018
Volunteer AgreementThe MNRF Volunteer Agreement outlines the responsibilities of the volunteer and ministry, and the terms and conditions of the assignment. Agreement must be signed by volunteer and/or parent or guardian (if applicable) and the ministry Supervisor at the start of each volunteer assignment.018-fw1007
Head Trapper ApplicationDetermines compliance of applicant with regulated licence pre-requisites, and allows for selection of most suitable applicant through evaluation of applicant's qualifications.018-2400
Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program (MFTIP) - Ten-Year Application10 Year application for the MFTIP program018-2377
Designate Acknowledgement for Commercial Bait HarvestingDesignate Acknowledgement for Commercial Bait Harvesting018-2371
Bait Harvest Area ApplicationMechanism to apply for a bait harvest area (BHA). BHA's are an allocated portion of the resource and is the scale at which commercial bait harvesters are allowed to harvest baitfish and leeches. A commercial bait harvester can obtain as many BHAs as are available.018-2366
Application to do Work on Shorelands Part 3Collect information regarding work to take place on shore lands.