Amendment Without ApprovalThis form is to be completed by any licence or permit holder filing an amendment to a site plan under sections 13(3.2) or 37.2(5) of the Act and section 7.2 of Ontario Regulation 244/97 under the Aggregate Resource Act (i.e., “self-filing”).on00535
Application for the Innovative Bioproduct Manufacturing and Modernization Streams – Form BThe forms will be used to submit project proposal applications to the MNRF's Forest Biomass Program for review and evaluation by ministry staff.on00534
Application for the Indigenous Bioeconomy Partnerships and Exploring Biomass Pathways Streams – Form AThe forms will be used to submit project proposal applications to the MNRF's Forest Biomass Program for review and evaluation by ministry staff.fw1012
Application for a Licence to Own and Operate a Game Bird Hunting PreserveGame Bird Hunting Preserves (GBHP) are areas in which pen-raised game birds are released into habitat to support additional game bird hunting, bird-dog training and field trial opportunities in Ontario within a predefined area. This licence is required to own and operate a GBHP, including keeping and releasing the authorized species of game birds on the preserve. Applicants must submit a complete licence application with all required supplemental information.0439
Request to Obtain Official Copies of Crown Land Patent RecordsRequest a certified or uncertified copy of the record of the original Crown patent for a specific property018-fw1016
Application for a License to Stock FishProvides necessary information for Ministry determine whether or not to issue a licence, and what terms and conditions are applicable if the decision is to issue a licenceon00541
Application to Purchase Crown Shoreline Reserve or Road Allowance fronting Private LandsUse this form if you intend to purchase a Crown Shoreline Reserve or Road Allowance in front of your private waterfront property.018-2374
Application for a Commercial Bait Licence to Harvest in BaitApplication for a Commercial Bait Licence to Harvest in Bait018-2372
Application for a Commercial Bait Licence to Deal in BaitApplication for a Commercial Bait Licence to Deal in Baiton00522
Request to Hunt From a Stationary Vehicle or Motor BoatIt is illegal to have a loaded firearm in or on, or discharge a firearm from, an aircraft, vehicle (including snowmobile and all-terrain vehicle) or motorboat. This form(s) is the application to request an authorization from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, to having a loaded firearm in a vehicle or motorboat if a person suffers from a severe disability that prevents them from hunting except while using a wheelchair or similar means of locomotion including vehicles and motorboats; and is unable to safely dismount the stationary vehicle (including a wheelchair) or motorboat to discharge a firearm. Completed forms must be submitted to NRISC@ontario.ca or mail to: Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Licensing and Client Services Section, Attention: Hunt from stationary vehicle, 300 Water Street., 5 North, Peterborough ON K9J 3C7.on00152
Objection FormThe Objection Form is a requirement in section 0.5(9) of O. Reg. 244/97, under the Aggregate Resources Act, to serve as a record of outstanding objections with respect to an application for an Aggregate licence, after the applicant has attempted to address all comments during the consultation period.018-0469
Licence to Collect Fish for Scientific Purposes – Mandatory Collection ReportThere is a reporting requirement for activities carried out under a Licence to Collect fish for Scientific Purpose. This form is an electronic version of the mandatory report. The specific regulation requiring this report reads: O. Reg. 664-98 34.1 & O. Reg. 261/05, s. 9.on00288
Moose Tag Transfer Request018-fw1031
Application For a License to Collect Fish for Scientific PurposesRequest a licence to fish018-2404
Work Permit Application for Works on Shore Lands for Erosion ControlOnline registration for members of the public018-0433
Notice of Activity Form to Register for Activities on Public Land and Shore Lands under the Public Lands ActThis is the Notice of Activity on Public Land and Shorelands form a person must complete and submit to the Minister to satisfy the notice requirements set out in subsection 8 (3) 2 and 5 (2) 3 of Ontario Regulation 239/13 under the Public Lands Act, R.S.O. 1990. for the purpose of maintenance, repair or replacement of erosion control structures on shore lands and construction or placement of buildings within unpatented mining claims.018-fw1021
Application for a License to Transport Live Fish Taken from Ontario WatersA licence to Transport Live Fish is issued under authority of the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act and is required to transport live fish or live spawn, other than baitfish, that have been taken from Ontario waters. This form allows an individual to apply for this licence.018-0446
Elk Seal Transfer ApplicationThis form documents a group applicant's request to transfer his/her elk seal to another hunter in the group.