Share of Total Assets- Partnerships/Joint VenturesThis schedule provides the calculation of a corporation's share of partnership / joint venture total assets. -
Surtax on Canadian-Controlled Private CorporationsThis is a supplemental schedule to the surtax calculation which should be completed by corporations that are associated with a Canadian or foreign corporation, if there is insufficient space on the CT23 Corporations Tax and Annual Return. -
MVIS Replacement/Amendment -
Disaster Recovery Assistance for Ontarians: Application Form for Homeowners and TenantsDisaster Recovery Assistance for Ontarians (DRAO) is a program that can help you recover costs after a sudden, unexpected natural event, such as a flood or tornado that causes costly and widespread damage in your area. This application form is for eligible homeowners and tenants whose primary residence has been impacted by a natural disaster and who are located within the defined geographical area where the program has been activated. -
Notice of Objection under Section 24This form is the prescribed form for a notice of objection under section 24 of the Repair and Storage Liens Act, and prescribed as"Form 5" under section 5 of O. Reg. 111/18 FORMS made under that Act. -
Business Relationship DisclosureThis form is to be used by a person registering as a Participant under the Climate Change Mitigation and Low Carbon Economy Act, 2016 to submit certain information pertaining to their business relationship(s) to the Director as set out in O.Reg. 144/16: The Cap and Trade Program (“the Regulation”). -
Sample Multi-year Plan TemplateTo provide guidance and a template to the regulated community for a multi-year accessibility plan, a requirement under Regulation 191/11. -
Application to Update Information or Remove Name from the Adoption Disclosure RegisterTo allow adopted persons and eligible birth relatives to remove their name or update the contact information they wish to share with a matched party on the Adoption Disclosure Register. Also to allow adopted persons to change the list of relatives they wish to be matched with on the Adoption Disclosure Register. -
Receipt under Section 24 for Article that is ReleasedThis form is the prescribed form for a receipt for article that is released under section 24 of the Repair and Storage Liens Act, and prescribed as"Form 8" under section 8 of O. Reg. 111/18 FORMS made under that Act. -
Entrepreneurship Learning Stream (ELS) ApplicationEntrepreneurship Learning Stream (ELS) Application Form -
Statutory Declaration Regarding Sending of Final NoticeThis is the form that is prescribed as Form 4 under Ontario Regulation 579/06 made under the City of Toronto Act, 2006 (as that Regulation reads on or after January 1, 2018). -
Form 3 – Notice of HearingAn inquiry officer uses this form to give notice of the time and place of a hearing to each party when an owner of lands has requested a hearing under s. 6(2) of the Expropriations Act. -
Affidavit of Service of Summons -
Prior Testing Disclosure - Ambulation AidsThis form is used by Manufacturer's Testing Facilities to report testing of Ambulation Aids -
Enregistrement d'activités exercées dans le cadre des installations solairesL'information présentée ici n'est fournie qu'à titre indicative -
Application Form - Facilitation ProgramThe Community Hubs Facilitation Program provides funding to successful applicants to engage service providers who will provide assistance in advancing their community hub development projects. -
Statutory Declaration Regarding Sending of Notice of Registration of Tax Arrears CertificateThis is the form that is prescribed as Form 2 under Ontario Regulation 181/03 made under the Municipal Act, 2001 (as that Regulation reads on or after January 1, 2018).