Tile Drainage Debenture - Form 4Form of debenture sold to the Province by a municipality with respect to funds loaned to property owners for installing tile drainage.013-0241r
2000 CT23 Corporations Tax and Annual Return / Guide # 1000 (2000)Annual corporate tax return for corporations with permanent establishments in Ontario.014-4882-83
Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Program (OMRP) ApplicationForm allows providers to refer patients for assessment for the program and will be used by hospital sites to record patient eligibility.9966
Authorizing or Cancelling a RepresentativeUsed to obtain Third Party Authorization for non-tax and benefit programs in the AMCB.014-4954-64
Public Health Unit Requisition for Specimen Shipping SuppliesPublic Health Unit requisition for specimen shipping supplies for rabies testing013-0329
Ontario Innovation Tax Credit (OITC) ClaimThis form is to be used when claiming an Ontario innovation tax credit (OITC), if your corporation's taxation year ends after December 31, 2004.003-0174
Petition for Drainage Works by Director - Form 3To allow the Director to petition municipal council for a new drainage works.7540-1014-mci
Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program Ministry of Labour Compliance CheckTo be used by MCI to contact three areas within the MOL to check that investors or employers applying for Opportunities Ontario are not violating provincial employment standards, or health and occupational safety codes, as well as ensure that there are no related labour disputes.004-0415
Form 5 – Certificate of ApprovalThe approving authority uses this form to certify its approval of a proposed expropriation under s. 8(3) of the Expropriations Act. If the approval is endorsed on a plan of the land intended for registration under s. 9, Form 6 should be used.003-0164
Borrowing By-law for a Regional Municipality, the County of Oxford or The District Municipality of Muskoka – Form 3A by-law for specific upper-tier municipalities to raise money to aid in the construction of drainage works under the Tile Drainage Act.on00129
Grant for Apprentice Learning Program (the Grant) Northern RegionThe Grant for Apprentice Learning is a financial support to offset income lost while attending in-class for apprentices who are not eligible for Employment Insurance (EI). This form is to apply for funding from the Grant for Apprentice Learning.2190
Ethanol and Greener Diesel ReportingFor annual reporting from the regulated community under greener fuels regulations. greener diesel, ethanol in gasoline, greener fuels002-1986
Request for Transferability of Contractor Security Clearance from an Approved Organization (Ontario Public Service Contractor Security Screening Program)This form should be completed by contractors who would like to have their existing security clearance from an accredited organization be considered for transferability to the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services (MGCS)/Ontario Public Service (OPS) contractor security screening program.002-1985
Contractor Security Screening ConsentTo provide applicant's written consent to the contractor security screening check.002-1984
Contractor Security Screening DeclarationTo allow contractors, who are applying for a security clearance, to declare any criminal convictions and/or outstanding criminal charges.002-1983
Contractor Security Screening Request and VerificationTo request a contractor security screening check and allow for verification of identity of individual applicant013-10090p
Form 37, Report by a Registered Owner of Securities Beneficially Owned by an InsiderForm 37, Report by a Registered Owner of Securities Beneficially Owned by an Insider is prescribed by Regulation 1015 made under the Securities Act for the purpose of section 109 of the Act.