Waste Identification (Part 2A)Form used to register waste generation activity, identify waste streams, and help determine if a Land Disposal Restrictions Notification Form (Part 2B) is required for waste streams being registered. Use of this form is only permitted if the Director has approved a request to satisfy submission requirements by using a paper document.2182
Request for Notice Under s.7(1) of Local Air Quality Reg for Use of a Specified Dispersion ModelThis form will be used to evaluate requests for the use of a specified dispersion model under s. 7 of Ontario Regulation 419/05: Air Pollution - Local Air Quality (the Regulation) made under the EPAon00446
Form A1 - Record of Future Alteration Authorized for Equipment Discharging a Contaminant of Concern to the Atmosphere from a Municipal Sewage Collection SystemThis form should be used to create a record of alterations undertaken in accordance with conditions in a Consolidated Linear Infrastructure Environmental Compliance Approval (CLI ECA) for a municipal sewage collection system.018-0178
Avoidance Alternatives Form for activities that may require an overall benefit permit under clause 17(2)(c) of the Endangered Species ActThe purpose of this Avoidance Alternatives Form (AAF) is to assist the proponent with considering alternatives that would not adversely affect protected species or habitat(s). The completion of the Avoidance Alternatives Form (AAF) by the proponent is required prior to applying for an overall benefit permit (i.e., prior to filling out the Application for an Overall Benefit Permit under clause 17(2)(c) of the Endangered Species Act.012-1990
Application for an Appointment to Take an Examination - Form 7This form is for all new applicants for a Well Contractor or a Well Technician Licence. Ontario Regulation 903 under the Ontario Water Resources Act prescribes the licensing requirements and outlines the roles and responsibilities for individuals/businesses and activities associated with wells.012-2027
Application for a Permit to Use a Pesticide for Structural Pest ControlSection 7(1) of the Pesticides Act requires a person to hold a permit issued by the Director for a structural extermination unless exempt under regulation. This application form is for a permit to use a fumigant gas or chloropicrin for any fumigation unless exempt under regulation.012-1867
Application for a Permit to Perform a Water Extermination in Surface Water for West Nile Virus ControlSection 7(2) of the Pesticides Act requires a person to hold a permit issued by the Director for a water extermination. This application form is for a permit to use a pesticide in surface water to control of mosquito larvae that if allowed to mature could be vectors of West Nile Virus.012-1866
Application for a Permit to Perform a Water Extermination in Catch Basins for West Nile Virus ControlSection 7(2) of the Pesticides Act requires a person to hold a permit issued by the Director for a water extermination. This application form is for a permit to use a pesticide in catch basin for the control of mosquito larvae that if allowed to mature to adults could be vectors of West Nile Virus.012-2032
Application for a Permit to Use a Pesticide in a Land ExterminationSection 7(1) of the Pesticides Act requires a person to hold a permit issued by the Director for a land extermination unless exempt under regulation. This application form for this purpose.012-2034
Application for a Permit to Perform a Water ExterminationSection 7(2) of the Pesticides Act requires a person to hold a permit issued by the Director for a water extermination. This application form is for a permit to use a pesticide to control biting flies or aquatic weeds.012-2093
Enregistrement d'activités exercées dans le cadre des imprimeriesL'information présentée ici n'est fournie qu'à titre indicative018-0179
Application for an overall benefit permit under clause 17(2)(c) of the Endangered Species ActThis form supplies to MNR the necessary information for a Minister's decision on the issuance of an overall benefit permit under section 17 of the Endangered Species Act. The combined information provided in the Information Gathering Form (IGF), Avoidance Alternatives Form (AAF) and this permit application form (C-PAF) will be considered by the Minister in forming a permit issuance decision.1881
Application for Director's Permission to Use Alternate Analytical MethodsApplication for Director's Permission to Use Alternate Analytical Methods012-2092
Enregistrement d'activités exercées dans le cadre des systèmes de gestion des déchetsL'information présentée ici n'est fournie qu'à titre indicative012-2115
Generator Registration ReportForm used to register waste generation activity. Use of this form is only permitted if the Director has approved a request to satisfy submission requirements by using a paper document.012-2198
Capped Participant Attestation Under Sections 12(2) and (6) of Ontario Regulation 143/16This attestation form is to be used by a person who is a capped participant that receives petroleum products at the capped facilities in Ontario or persons who supply petroleum products to capped facilities of capped participants in Ontario.012-2091
Enregistrement d'activités exercées dans le cadre des installations solairesL'information présentée ici n'est fournie qu'à titre indicativeon00439
Land Disposal Restrictions Notification (Part 2B)Form used to meet land disposal restrictions notification requirements with respect to eligible registered waste streams. Use of this form is only permitted if the Director has approved a request to satisfy submission requirements by using a paper document.012-2158
Great Lakes Protection Act, 2015 – Public Request to MinisterUnder Section 30 of the Great Lakes Protection Act, 2015, anyone can request that the Minister set a Great Lakes target, or launch the process of creating a “geographically-focused initiative” to direct action on a priority area and issue. This form provides a “one window” approach to receiving incoming requests.012-0031
Director Letter Confirming Exemption from Licence and Permit Requirements for a Water ExterminationPursuant to subsection 98 (2) paragraph 5 of Ontario Regulation 63/09 under the Pesticides Act, a vendor may sell a pesticide to any person who presents a letter signed by the Director under the Pesticides Act confirming that the person meets the requirements set out in both subsections 83 (2) and 83 (3) of Ontario Regulation 63/09 under the Pesticides Act and is thus exempt from requiring an exterminator licence and a permit in respect to a water extermination.