Land Disposal Restrictions Notification (Part 2B)Form used to meet land disposal restrictions notification requirements with respect to eligible registered waste streams. Use of this form is only permitted if the Director has approved a request to satisfy submission requirements by using a paper document.2181
Request for Approval Under s.13(1) of LAQR for Use of Site Specific Meterological dataThis form will be used to evaluate requests for the use of site-specific meteorological data under section 13 of Ontario Regulation 419/05: Air Pollution - Local Air Quality (the Regulation) made under the EPA012-2146
Freedom of Information Request FormsTo facilitate FOI requests0436
Butternut Data Collection FormThe Butternut Data Collection Form is the form that must be used by a person who is a Butternut Health Expert (as defined in Ontario Regulation 830/21) when conducting a Butternut health assessment for the purposes of the Endangered Species Act, 2007 (ESA).012-2214
Ontario Emissions Performance Standards (EPS) Program – Change in Facility Ownership FormTo facilitate the re-registration of a facility into the Ontario Greenhouse Gas Emissions Peformance Standards program.012-2213
Ontario Greenhouse Gas Emissions Performance Standards (EPS) Program – Registration, Change of Registration Information, and Cancellation of Registration FormTo facilitate the registration of facilities into the Ontario Greenhouse Gas Emissions Performance Standards program or to provide updated registration information of facilities registered in the Ontario Greenhouse Gas Emissions Performance Standards program.012-2030
Summary of Planned and Completed Pesticide Aerial ApplicationsA person who operates an airborne machine in performing a land or water extermination is required under regulation to make a summary of applications for each extermination. This is the form to maintain this summary.012-2034
Application for a Permit to Perform a Water ExterminationSection 7(2) of the Pesticides Act requires a person to hold a permit issued by the Director for a water extermination. This application form is for a permit to use a pesticide to control biting flies or aquatic weeds.012-2115
Generator Registration ReportForm used to register waste generation activity. Use of this form is only permitted if the Director has approved a request to satisfy submission requirements by using a paper document.012-2032
Application for a Permit to Use a Pesticide in a Land ExterminationSection 7(1) of the Pesticides Act requires a person to hold a permit issued by the Director for a land extermination unless exempt under regulation. This application form for this purpose.012-2029
Record of Land and Water Exterminations by an Airborne MachineA person who operates an airborne machine in performing a land or water extermination is required under regulation to make a record of each extermination. This is the form to maintain this record.012-2028
Application for a Permit to Perform an Extermination from an Airborne MachineA person who operates an airborne machine in performing a land extermination must hold a permit issued by the Director unless exempt under regulation. This is the application form for this purpose.on00438
Waste Identification (Part 2A)Form used to register waste generation activity, identify waste streams, and help determine if a Land Disposal Restrictions Notification Form (Part 2B) is required for waste streams being registered. Use of this form is only permitted if the Director has approved a request to satisfy submission requirements by using a paper document.012-2031
Summary of Planned and Completed Pesticide Aerial Applications in Ontario Crown ForestsA person who operates an airborne machine in performing a land extermination on Crown Land is required to make a record of each extermination. This is the form to maintain this summary.012-2027
Application for a Permit to Use a Pesticide for Structural Pest ControlSection 7(1) of the Pesticides Act requires a person to hold a permit issued by the Director for a structural extermination unless exempt under regulation. This application form is for a permit to use a fumigant gas or chloropicrin for any fumigation unless exempt under regulation.012-1867
Application for a Permit to Perform a Water Extermination in Surface Water for West Nile Virus ControlSection 7(2) of the Pesticides Act requires a person to hold a permit issued by the Director for a water extermination. This application form is for a permit to use a pesticide in surface water to control of mosquito larvae that if allowed to mature could be vectors of West Nile Virus.012-1866
Application for a Permit to Perform a Water Extermination in Catch Basins for West Nile Virus ControlSection 7(2) of the Pesticides Act requires a person to hold a permit issued by the Director for a water extermination. This application form is for a permit to use a pesticide in catch basin for the control of mosquito larvae that if allowed to mature to adults could be vectors of West Nile Virus.5393
Advice to the Director of Posting (Warning) Notice(s)This notice applies to a Drinking Water System only if the system does not use electricity and does not serve any building or other structure that also uses electricity.on00123
Great Lakes Local Action FundThis form is to be filled out by those applying for funding for the Great Lakes Local Action Fund, a new program that provides funding support for local projects that have environmental benefits for the Great Lakes. The purpose of the form is to collect applicant information including contact and organization information, project details for evaluation purposes, and to obtain a declaration that applicants will comply with applicable laws.