If members of the public believe an Inspector has contravened the Provincial Animal Welfare Services Act, 2019 Code of Conduct Regulation, O. Reg. 445/19, they may file a complaint using the Online Complaints form.
The Cancellation of Third Party Authorization form stops all third party access to a client's case. Once the third party access is cancelled, only the payor or recipient will be able to receive information about their case.
This form is the prescribed form for an initial certificate under section 24 of the Repair and Storage Liens Act, and prescribed as"Form 4" under section 4 of O. Reg. 111/18 FORMS made under that Act.
Emergency Procedures (Provided with reservation confirmation)
Form to request approval for patient to receive surgery out of Ontario
To apply for and renew a certificate to act as an examiner for the Non-Emergency Slaughter of Food Animals on Producer Premises
To apply for renewal and update information for a certificate to act as an examiner for the Non-Emergency Slaughter of Food Animals on Producer Premises
Form used by IHPs to set up direct bank deposit
This sample sign was produced to help auto repair businessees in Ontario comply with signage requirements under the Consumer Protection Act, 2002. This is not an official form required by the ministry; no data in this template is required to be returned to the Ministry.
This is the form that is prescribed as Form 5 under Ontario Regulation 579/06 made under the City of Toronto Act, 2006 (as that Regulation reads on or after January 1, 2018).
This is a supplemental form, that is to be submitted by a company in the foundries sector along with the General Application Form to Register to the Technical Standard Registry.
The Grant for Apprentice Learning is a financial support to offset income lost while attending in-class for apprentices who are not eligible for Employment Insurance (EI). This form is to apply for funding from the Grant for Apprentice Learning.