2,549 Forms found

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  • on00405
    Shortline Railway Licence Application

    This form acts as either a new application for prospective provincially regulated shortline railway companies and/or as an update form for licensees to notify the Ministry of notable operational changes.
  • on00117
    Amendment Without Approval

    This form is to be completed by any licence or permit holder filing an amendment to a site plan under sections 13(3.2) or 37.2(5) of the Act and section 7.2 of Ontario Regulation 244/97 under the Aggregate Resource Act (i.e., “self-filing”).
  • on00691
    Community Service Order (CSO) 2024-27 Guidelines and Instructions

    Application Guidelines and Instructions for the Community Service Order Program (CSO) 2024-27
  • 014-5109-20
    Specialty Vape Store Registration

    For retailers that primarily sell vapour products to apply for a specialty vape store registration.
  • 014-5053-20
    Tobacconist Registration

    For retailers that primarily sell specialty tobacco products to apply for a tobacconist registration.
  • 047-2229
    Residential Tenancy Agreement (Standard Form of Lease)

    This form is a residential tenancy agreement (standard lease). Landlords of most private residential rental units must use this form (standard lease) when they enter into a tenancy with a tenant. Until February 28, 2021, a landlord and tenant may use either the old or updated version of the standard lease for their tenancy agreement. For most residential tenancies, new agreements signed on or after March 1, 2021 must use the updated standard lease, dated December, 2020.
  • 012-2194
    Compromised Impartiality Assessment

    This form is to be used by all accredited verification bodies (AVBs) prior to completing the verification of a GHG report under O. Reg. 390/18 to assess the potential for compromised impartiality.
  • on00673
    Post-Closure State Determination Request, Under the Mining Act

    A request for a "post-closure state determination” refers to a determination by the Minister in respect in a change in the use or condition of a site. This is for the purposes of clause (b) of the definition of “rehabilitate” in subsection 139 (1) of the Mining Act.
  • on00672
    Request for a Conditional Filing Order, Under the Mining Act

    If you do not meet a legal requirement at the time of Closure Plan submission, you may request a conditional filing order and submit the request form to the ministry. These orders are granted by the minister.
  • on00682
    Ministry of Education Private School Pre-Inspection Report

    To provide private schools with a pre-inspection report to be completed prior to inspection and submitted to the ministry.
  • on00681
    Pre-Inspection Materials Overview

    To provide private schools that are being inspected an overview of the process.
  • on00680
    Checklist for Outlines of Courses of Study 2024-2025

    To provide a course outline checklist for private schools being inspected to complete and submit to the ministry.
  • on00679
    Checklist: the School Course Calendar in 2024-2025

    To provide a checklist for private schools to use and submit for their school course calendar.
  • on00678
    Time Table

    Provide and example of a timetable for private schools as a reference.
  • on00677
    Appendix G and G.1 Pre-inspection Report Addendum for Online Schools

    Provide private schools that offer on-line courses the addendum that must be completed during an inspction year.
  • on00676
    Appendix F: Teacher Preparation for Classroom Inspection

    Provide private schools with instructions to share with teachers of schools being inspected.
  • on00489
    Supplier Facility Application

    A License is needed if you wish to operate a supply facility. Supply facility means premises that are used for breeding and rearing of animals to be used in research, teaching or testing. Please complete this application for a license to operate a supply facility under the Animals for Research Act. A license expires on the 31st day of December of the year of issue. Licenses must be renewed annually. A separate application and payment of fees is required for each supply.
  • on00488
    Research Facility Application

    A registration is needed if you wish to operate a research, teaching, or testing facility in Ontario. This is required if your premises uses animals in research, teaching or testing and your premises are used for collecting, assembling, or maintaining of animals in connection with a research facility under R.S.O. 1990, c. A.22, s. 4. Please complete this application for registration of a research/teaching/testing facility in full, as per section 4 of the Animals for Research Act. The Director appointed under the Animals for Research Act will approve applications for registrations in accordance with the requirements of the Act. A registration expires on the 31st day of December of the year in which registration is made. Registration must be renewed annually. If an application includes more than one research, teaching or testing facility, details must be provided for each facility in the application, and payment of fees are required.
  • on00205
    Landfill Data Collection Form

    This form is used for annual reporting of landfill gas collection, methane destruction and/or use by large landfills in Ontario in accordance with O.Reg. 347 under the Environmental Protection Act.