This form is to be filled out by those applying for funding for the Great Lakes Local Action Fund, a new program that provides funding support for local projects that have environmental benefits for the Great Lakes. The purpose of the form is to collect applicant information including contact and organization information, project details for evaluation purposes, and to obtain a declaration that applicants will comply with applicable laws.
Provides guidance to DPS organizations on how to establish, review their multi-year accessibility plans and includes a template for their status report (an annual requirement associated with the plans)
Orientation video - script
Anti-Human Trafficking Indigenous-led Initiatives Fund (ILIF) Program Guidelines: Key definitions of program terms, instructions and information about application, and an overview of the scoring and assessment requirements. Anti-Human Trafficking Indigenous-led Initiatives Fund (ILIF) Frequently Asked Questions: Ministry responses on common questions about applying to the program.
Guidelines of the SCNF Transfer Payment Funding for 2020-2021
Application to the Board to Amend the Conditions of, or Terminate the Appointment of a Representative under Subsection 27(7) or (8) of the Personal Health Information Protection Act.
Fee waiver granted. Request to court staff for an interpreter.
Orders and sets out an assessment of a Children's Law Reform Act case.