Designate Acknowledgement for Commercial Bait HarvestingDesignate Acknowledgement for Commercial Bait Harvestingon00615
Annual Report of Solution-Mined Salt ProductionThe production of salt by the solution mining method must be reported annually by the operator of a salt solution well.on00288
Moose Tag Transfer Requeston00753
Letter of Consent – Secondary Trapping Licence (Youth)Applicants applying for a secondary trapping licence for youth must submit a completed Letter of Consent – Secondary Trapping Licence (Youth) for a new licence or renewal. This form collects signed parental/guardian consent and signed mentor trapper consent and mentor trapper licence number.on00688
Application To Transfer Moose Tags Between Affiliated Tourist OutfittersThe purpose of this form is to collect the information required for the Ministry to consider a transfer of Moose Tags between Affiliated Tourist Outfitters under the Ontario Moose-Bear Tourism Industry Program023-sr-ld-040
Declaration from a GuarantorAn Ontario Photo Card (OPC) or driver's licence applicant must provide an identity document to prove signature. If the applicant does not have a proof of signature document, the Declaration from a Guarantor form will allow a guarantor to vouche for the applicant's signature.fw4009
Zoo Log BookLog book to be kept by the holder of a Licence to Keep Specially Protected and Game Wildlife in a Zoo, as required by Ontario Regulation 668/98: Wildlife in Captivity under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997.on00737
Medical Exemption Application021-0511
Annual Examination Form013-2262
Associated Employers Exemption AllocationFor 2010 and subsequent years. All eligible employers in an associated group must enter into an agreement to allocate the tax exemption for the year. One of the employers in the group must complete this form allocating the tax exemption and submit it to the ministry by the return due date.on00779
Application to Transfer a Licence to Own and Operate a Train and Trial AreaIf the holder of a Licence to Own and Operate a Train and Trial Area no longer wishes to operate their train and trial area during the period in which their licence is valid, they may request that the licence be transferred to another individual to own and operate that same train and trial area. The transferee (proposed new licence holder) and the transferor (current/outgoing licence holder) must complete this Application to Transfer a Licence to Own and Operate a Train and Trial Area form and submit to their local ministry work centre.016-1552
Form 1 - Notice of Termination of Employment under Subsection 58 (2) of the Employment Standards Act, 2000Under the ESA, employers who are terminating 50 or more employees at an establishment in a 4-week period are required to submit the completed Form 1 to the Director of Employment Standards, to post a copy of the completed Form 1 in the workplace and to provide a copy of the completed Form 1 to each affected employee. Notice of mass termination does not begin until the Director receives the completed Form 1.on00190
Contestant Licence ApplicationProfessional combative sport contestant licence application.9955
Estate Information ReturnBeginning March 3, 2025, you can file your Estate Information Return online using the Ministry of Finance’s online services webpage at https://www.services.fin.gov.on.ca/OTP/Gentax/_/. Effective February 26, 2025, you will no longer be able to use the fillable PDF form to file an Estate Information Return online. Between February 26 and March 3, you will not be able to file Estate Information Returns online while we update our online services. During this time, you can still file your return by mail, fax, courier or in person. We apologize for any inconvenience.on00073
Ontario Autism Program – Expense FormUse this form to report and categorize expenses for Ontario Autism Program: - Childhood Budgets - Interim One-Time Funding Before you report expenses: Check eligible and ineligible expenses for childhood budgets and interim one-time funding https://www.ontario.ca/page/ontario-autism-program-eligible-and-ineligible-expenses-childhood-budgets-and-interim-one-time You can also use this form to apply for and renew Interim One-Time (IOT) Funding, if eligible. Before you apply: Please check if you are eligible for Interim One-Time Funding https://www.ontario.ca/page/ontario-autism-program-interim-one-time-funding#section-1 Before you renew: Please check if you are eligible to get a second Interim One-Time Funding payment https://www.ontario.ca/page/ontario-autism-program-interim-one-time-funding#section-6 Each eligible child and youth can also renew their funding once. You cannot get more than two interim one-time funding payments.on00755
Ontario Trapping Licence Application and RenewalA Trapping Licence, issued under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997 (FWCA) and its regulations, authorizes a person to hunt or trap furbearing mammals, black bear and other small game in the area designated on the licence and in accordance with the licence conditions (e.g., quotas) and regulations. This application form must be submitted to the local MNR Work Centre prior to a person being authorized to trap. This application also serves as a licence renewal form for authorization to trap in subsequent years.