To be used by residents of LTC homes who would like to apply for a reduction in the amount of their basic accommodation fees. This document guides applicants in determining which supporting documents will be required as part of their application. This document is to be used by applicants who have a Notice of Assessment.
Form will be used by IHPs to form a registered group
To provide patient advocacy groups with a template for written submissions to the ministry on a drug; the form is to make sure all the appropriate information is provided.
To facilitate physician's in making an EAP request for funding/reimbursement of Elaprase for Hunter's Syndrome.
Use this form if you ordered drugs and/or medical supplies from OGPMSS and wish to return resalable drugs and/or medical supplies to OGPMSS. OGPMSS will only accept returns and provide credit for resalable drugs or supplies that meet the criteria listed on the form. OGPMSS will provide you with a Return Authorization Number within 2 business days upon receipt of a completed form.
form used to provide patient with a comprehensive plan of community-based treatment or care and supervision.
Form completed to request exemption, i.e., no photo to appear on photo health card
Application used by First Nations and the North