Please use this form if you have received an order or notice under one of the following pieces of legislation and are paying the amount of your order or notice, or you are applying for a review.
• Employment Standards Act, 2000
• Employment Protection for Foreign Nationals Act, 2009
To allow adopted persons of at least 18 years old of age and adoptive parents to request a copy of the adopted person's adoption order with any information which identify a birth parent removed.
To be completed by eligible farms under the Nutrient Management Act.
Typical Week Survey helps Ontario public libraries and First Nations public libraries to record, and then report on, their public library usage. Typical Week Survey is annually done in November and data from it is used in the Annual Survey of Public Libraries.
This form is used by an appellant to withdraw their appeal before the Fire Safety Commission.
This form is used by parties appearing before the Fire Safety Commission to identify their legal representative.
This form is used by a fire service to request authorization to perform work on a subject property from the Fire Safety Comission Commission.
This form is used by an appellant to initiate an appeal before the Fire Safety Commission.
This form is used by a party before the Fire Safety Commission to request a summons be issued.
This form is used by parties appearing before the Animal Care Review Board to identify their legal representative.
This form is used by an appellant to initiate an appeal before the Animal Care Review Board.
This form is used by an appellant to withdraw their appeal before the Animal Care Review Board.
To facilitate FOI requests