Clinician Aid A - Patient Request for Medical Assistance in DyingThe use of this aid is voluntary. It is being provided to assist you in making a written request for medical assistance in dying that complies with the legal requirements. Once you complete this request, you should provide it to your doctor or nurse practitioner. The completed aid may be included in your medical records and may be used by your doctor or nurse practitioner to provide health care to you.11315
Application for Post Adoption Birth Information Under Section 48.1 or 48.2 of the Vital Statistics ActTo allow birth parents and adopted persons submit a service request to the Office of the Registrar General to apply for Post Adoption Birth Information under the Adoption Information Disclosure Act, 2005.006-fro-010
Financial StatementSupport payors may be requested to complete a Family Responsibility Office Financial Statement to support a Voluntary Arrears Payment Schedule, or because a payor is in default of his/her support obligations and the FRO has begun a default hearing. Documents to provide proof of income must be included with a financial statement.023-sr-ld-050
Ontario Photo Card - Address Requirement for the Homeless or Marginally Housed ApplicantsIn order to obtain an Ontario Photo Card, an Ontario resident address is required. This form authorizes the applicant who is without a permanent and principal residence to use a recognized institution address to acquire an Ontario Photo Card006-3242
Application for a Licence or Renewal of a Licence to Place Children for AdoptionThis is the application for a licence or renewal of a licence to place children for adoption issued by a Director under the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 (this person is generally the Coordinator of the ministry's Private and International Adoption Unit).006-3240
Acknowledgment of Adoption PlacementThis form is signed by prospective adoptive parents when a child is placed with them.006-3239
Director's Registration of Placement of Child for AdoptionA Director uses this form to register the placement of a child for adoption if they become aware of any placement for adoption of a child that has not been registered under subsection 183 (8) of the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017006-3238
Registration of Placement of a Child for AdoptionA children's aid society or a licensee uses this form to register the placement of a child for adoption under subsection 183(7) of the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017.006-3237
Notice to a Director of Proposed PlacementThis form is completed by a licensee who proposes to place a child with an applicant with a view to adoption.006-3095
Application for a Copy of an Adoption OrderTo allow adopted persons of at least 18 years old of age and adoptive parents to request a copy of the adopted person's adoption order with any information which identify a birth parent removed.003-nm-006
Nutrient Mgmt Strategy ApplicationTo be completed by eligible farms under the Nutrient Management Act.002-02030
Declaration of Representative002-02029
Notice of Withdrawal004-3052
Notice of Withdrawal021-0459
One Week Survey of Public Library Use (Typical Week Survey)Typical Week Survey helps Ontario public libraries and First Nations public libraries to record, and then report on, their public library usage. Typical Week Survey is annually done in November and data from it is used in the Annual Survey of Public Libraries.004-0431
Notice of WithdrawalThis form is used by an appellant to withdraw their appeal before the Fire Safety Commission.004-0430
004-0430e - Declaration of RepresentativeThis form is used by parties appearing before the Fire Safety Commission to identify their legal representative.004-0422
Application for an AuthorizationThis form is used by a fire service to request authorization to perform work on a subject property from the Fire Safety Comission Commission.