Application for Prior Approval for Full Payment of Insured Out-of-Country (OOC) & Out-of-Province (OOP) Laboratory & Genetics TestingThe OOC/OOP PA Program eForm is designed to be completed and submitted electronically for application for prior approval for full payment of insured Out-of-Country (OOC) & Out-of-Province (OOP) laboratory and genetics testing services. English and French versions can be completed online or downloaded and saved for future use.on00089
Access or Correction RequestYou can submit a request if you wish to: • access general records held by institutions (for example, Ontario government ministries, colleges, universities, agencies, municipalities) • request your own personal information • correct your personal information • access another individual’s personal information (with appropriate authorization or consent of the individual)014-0265-82
Registration for Ontario Health CoverageForm is used to register new or returning Ontario residents or renew photo Health Card and contains instructions/information.on00195
Application for a New Licence for the Operation of a Dairy Plant The Milk Act (R.S.O. 1990, c.M12), and Regulations 761A new licence is required prior to beginning the operations of a dairy plant including: When a facility is being licensed for the first time. When an existing licensed plant is transferred to a new owner (transfer of ownership) An "Application for a Permit to Construct or Alter a Building Intended for Use as a Dairy Plant – For New Applicants" must be submitted at the same time as an “Application for a Licence for the Operation of a Plant”. Note, the licence will not be issued until the plant is complete and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) has confirmed, through inspection, that it meets all applicable regulations under the Milk Act (Ontario).on00577
Consent to Revoke a Licence - Issued pursuant to Ontario Regulation 465/19: Fish ProcessingThe licensee of a fish processing operation may consent to the revocation of their licence by a director if the operation no longer conducts regulated activities.on00073
Ontario Autism Program – Expense FormUse this form to report and categorize expenses for Ontario Autism Program: - Childhood Budgets - Interim One-Time Funding Before you report expenses: check eligible and ineligible expenses for childhood budgets and interim one-time funding https://www.ontario.ca/page/ontario-autism-program-eligible-and-ineligible-expenses-childhood-budgets-and-interim-one-time You can also use this form to apply for and renew Interim One-Time (IOT) Funding, if eligible. Before you apply: please check if you are eligible for Interim One-Time Funding https://www.ontario.ca/page/ontario-autism-program-interim-one-time-funding#section-1 Before you renew: please check if you are eligible to get a second Interim One-Time Funding payment https://www.ontario.ca/page/ontario-autism-program-interim-one-time-funding#section-6 Each eligible child and youth can also renew their funding once. You cannot get more than two interim one-time funding payments.on00584
Application for a Plant Milk Grader CertificateA plant milk grader certificate is required to grade and receive raw cow milk and raw goat milk delivered to dairy processing plants in Ontario.004-0428
Adjournment RequestThis form is used by parties appearing before the Animal Care Review Board to request an adjournment of a proceeding.004-0429
Adjournment RequestThis form is used by parties appearing before the Fire Safety Commission to request an adjournment of a proceeding.on00010
Ontario Autism Program Interim One-Time Funding - Independent Youth ApplicationIndependent youths registered in the Ontario Autism Program can use this form to apply for Interim One-Time Funding. Before you apply: please check if you are eligible for Interim One-Time Funding: https://www.ontario.ca/page/ontario-autism-program-interim-one-time-funding#section-1on00008
Ontario Autism Program Interim One-Time Funding - Primary Caregiver ApplicationPrimary Caregivers of children registered in the Ontario Autism Program can use this form to apply for Interim One-Time Funding. Before you apply: please check if your child is eligible for Interim One-Time Funding: https://www.ontario.ca/page/ontario-autism-program-interim-one-time-funding#section-1002-sr-lv-129
Application for an Accessible Parking Permit045-2308-69
Profile of Long-Term Care FacilityPart of Nursing Home Inspection Kit003-0346
Application for a licence to operate a meat plant under the Food Safety and Quality Act, 2001 and its RegulationsThis form is an application for a licence to operate a provincial meat plant under the Food Safety and Quality Act, 2001 and O. Reg. 31/05. It is used to apply for a new licence or to revise information on an existing licence.on00065
Application for a licence to carry out licensed activitiesA licence is required in order to operation a Fish processing operation that processes or packages fish products at a fish processing plant. A Fish processing plant could be a structure, boat, vehicle or vessel where a fish processing operation operates.on00314
Request for Prior Approval for Full Payment of Insured Out-of-Country (OOC) Health ServicesThis form is meant to be submitted by a practicing Ontario physician on behalf of their patients to request consideration of funding for out-of-country health services. Along with the completed application form, submissions must also include relevant medical documentation.016-1973
Application for Employment - Employment Standards OfficerThis is an application for the upcoming Employment Standards Officer recruitment with the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development.003-0119
Application for a Dealer Registration (under the Farm Implements Act Section 6)Under the Farm Implements Act, 1990, registration as a dealer is required for any person who, in the ordinary course of business, offers farm implements or parts for sale at retail.