Social Enterprise Procurement And Investment Readiness FundTo provide the relevant information regarding the Program Guidelines, application instructions and application to the public to apply to the Procurement and Investment Readiness Fund call for proposals.5273
Restated Articles of Incorporation, Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, 2010To restate the articles of an Ontario not-for-profit corporation under the Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, 2010 (ONCA).013-0231u
2006 CT8 Corporations Tax Return / GuideAnnual corporate tax return for every insurer carrying on a business in Ontario through a permanent establishment.on00305
Ontario Research Programs - Performance Measures ReportThis form will serve as a new common performance measures form for researchers funded through the Early Researcher Awards, the Ontario Research Fund - Research Excellence program and the Ontario Research Fund - Research Infrastructure program.on00264
Notice of Request for Drain Minor Improvement Drainage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. D.17, subs. 78 (5)The form is required to initiate a new minor improvement project under the Drainage Act.013-1399b
2001 CT23 Short-Form Corporations Tax and Annual Return / Guide # 1401A (2001)Annual corporate tax return and information guide for smaller corporations with permanent establishments in Ontario and meeting specific requirements.003-0175
Petition for Drainage Works by Road Authority - Form 2To allow a road authority to petition municipal council for a new drainage works.046-5191
Broader Public Sector Compensation Information QuestionnaireThe purpose of the form is to assist in the collection of compensation information from designated employers under the Broader Public Sector Executive Compensation Act, 2014 (the Act). Issued in accordance with the Act, the Broader Public Sector Compensation Directive (the Directive) specifies requirements with which designated employers are required to comply to provide compensation information upon written request. The Directive requires designated employers to complete the form if requested.017-2100
Places to Grow Implementation Fund ApplicationThe form is for organizations that wish to apply for funding from the Places to Grow Implementation Fund.3038
Offence DeclarationThis form is intended for use by child care licensees to meet provincial requirements for offence declarations.014-4340-84
Primary Care - Time and Location of After Hours ServicesForm used to record hours of physicians in after hours clinics013-2495
Apprenticeship Training Tax Credit (ATTC) - CT Schedule 114Complete this form if salaries and wages are paid after May 18, 2004 and before January 1, 2011 to eligible apprentices during the first 36 months of an apprenticeship.on00481
Learn, Use, ShareLearn, Use, Share - an educational flyer promoting the OPS bilingual glossary on gender identity.on00482
Summary of the French inclusive writing recommendationsSummary of the French inclusive writing recommendations004-0419
Form 12 – Declaration of Abandonment (Land Registered under the Land Titles Act)Under the Expropriations Act, where land to be abandoned is registered under the Land Titles Act, the expropriating authority registers this form in the proper land registry office. The form is also served on each owner.016-1966
Claim Form - Protecting Child Performers Act, 2015To enable child performers or their parents or guardians to file a claim under the Protecting Child Performers Act, 2015, which sets out the minimum requirements for employers, child performers and parents or guardians.