Application for the Innovative Bioproduct Manufacturing and Modernization Streams – Form BThe forms will be used to submit project proposal applications to the MNRF's Forest Biomass Program for review and evaluation by ministry staff.on00439
Land Disposal Restrictions Notification (Part 2B)Form used to meet land disposal restrictions notification requirements with respect to eligible registered waste streams. Use of this form is only permitted if the Director has approved a request to satisfy submission requirements by using a paper document.csr-13a-20
Form 13A - Order for Attendance of Prisoner at Judicial Interim Release or Review Application Hearing (Criminal Proceedings Rules, Rule 20)1. Order for Attendance of Prisoner at Judicial Interim Release or Review; 2. order of the court directing the institution to release an inmate to attend court for a judicial interim release hearingcsr-13-23
Form 13 - Order for Transfer of Prisoner to Custody of Peace Officer (Criminal Code, ss. 527(7) and Criminal Proceedings Rules, Rule 23)1. release order; 2. order of the court directing the institution to release an inmate2181
Request for Approval Under s.13(1) of LAQR for Use of Site Specific Meterological dataThis form will be used to evaluate requests for the use of site-specific meteorological data under section 13 of Ontario Regulation 419/05: Air Pollution - Local Air Quality (the Regulation) made under the EPA009-0053
Appendix “B” Ontario Investment and Trade Centre Fire and Emergency Evacuation ProceduresEmergency Procedures (Provided with reservation confirmation)csr-2b-40-15
Form 2B - Notice of Intention to Present Appeal in Writing (Criminal Proceedings Rules, Rule 40.15)Criminal proceeding in the Superior Court of justice. Notice by Crown or accused to argue appeal in writing.