12 Forms found for form 7a

Ministries: Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry

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  • on00118
    Registration of Activities under the Aggregate Resources Act Form

    Individuals or farming businesses that wish to excavate small amounts of aggregate from a pit on private land without a licence as per section 7(1.1) of the Aggregate Resources Act (ARA) must register the activity with the ministry using this form.
  • on00535
    Application for the Innovative Bioproduct Manufacturing and Modernization Streams – Form B

    The forms will be used to submit project proposal applications to the MNRF's Forest Biomass Program for review and evaluation by ministry staff.
  • on00534
    Application for the Indigenous Bioeconomy Partnerships and Exploring Biomass Pathways Streams – Form A

    The forms will be used to submit project proposal applications to the MNRF's Forest Biomass Program for review and evaluation by ministry staff.
  • on00117
    Amendment Without Approval

    This form is to be completed by any licence or permit holder filing an amendment to a site plan under sections 13(3.2) or 37.2(5) of the Act and section 7.2 of Ontario Regulation 244/97 under the Aggregate Resource Act (i.e., “self-filing”).
  • on00541
    Application to Purchase Crown Shoreline Reserve or Road Allowance fronting Private Lands

    Use this form if you intend to purchase a Crown Shoreline Reserve or Road Allowance in front of your private waterfront property.
  • 018-0471
    Independent Electricity System Operator Feed-In Tariff 5 (IESO FIT 5) Program

    This procedural guidance document is intended for those proponents with renewable energy projects proposed in whole or in part on provincial Crown land who have received a Feed-In Tariff (FIT) 5 energy procurement contract offer by the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO).
  • on00476
    English Hunter Application for Waiver of Hunter Reporting Penalty

    This form allows a hunter to apply for a waiver of hunter reporting penalty when serious illness or injury incapacitated the hunter in the 24 hours before the reporting deadline preventing them from completing their report, or when a hunter who was hunting with an outfitter submitted their report but the outfitter didn’t provide the completed report to the Ministry.
  • fw1017
    Application for a Fur Dealer's Licence

    The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997, prohibits the sale/purchase of game wildlife or specially protected wildlife, including pelts, except under the authority of a licence and in accordance with the regulations. Section 8 of Ontario Regulation 666/98 (Possession, Buying and Selling of Wildlife) enables a person who holds a Fur Dealer’s Licence to buy or sell pelts. In addition, a Fur Dealer’s Licence is generally required to tan, pluck or treat pelts.
  • on00522
    Request to Hunt From a Stationary Vehicle or Motor Boat

    It is illegal to have a loaded firearm in or on, or discharge a firearm from, an aircraft, vehicle (including snowmobile and all-terrain vehicle) or motorboat. This form(s) is the application to request an authorization from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, to having a loaded firearm in a vehicle or motorboat if a person suffers from a severe disability that prevents them from hunting except while using a wheelchair or similar means of locomotion including vehicles and motorboats; and is unable to safely dismount the stationary vehicle (including a wheelchair) or motorboat to discharge a firearm. Completed forms must be submitted to NRISC@ontario.ca or mail to: Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Licensing and Client Services Section, Attention: Hunt from stationary vehicle, 300 Water Street., 5 North, Peterborough ON K9J 3C7.
  • 018-fw1034
    Application for a Licence to Own and Operate a Train and Trial Area

    This licence allows an individual or corporation to own and operate a Train and Trial Area. Part A of this form contains the application for the licence and Part B contains the required annual report. Those who wish to apply for this licence must have previously been issued a Licence to Own and Operate a Train and Trial Area, applications for new areas will not be accepted. Applicants must submit Part A and Part B of this form, as well as a copy of their site map.
  • on00710
    Foster Care Agreement

    A foster caregiver is a person who acts as an agent under a wildlife custodian authorization by providing supplemental care of wildlife on the foster caregiver’s own premises. A wildlife custodian shall submit to the District Supervisor a completed Foster Care Agreement form for each foster caregiver within 48 hours of the foster caregiver first receiving game wildlife or specially protected wildlife for care and treatment.