Registration of Activities under the Aggregate Resources Act FormIndividuals or farming businesses that wish to excavate small amounts of aggregate from a pit on private land without a licence as per section 7(1.1) of the Aggregate Resources Act (ARA) must register the activity with the ministry using this form.on00535
Application for the Innovative Bioproduct Manufacturing and Modernization Streams – Form BThe forms will be used to submit project proposal applications to the MNRF's Forest Biomass Program for review and evaluation by ministry staff.on00534
Application for the Indigenous Bioeconomy Partnerships and Exploring Biomass Pathways Streams – Form AThe forms will be used to submit project proposal applications to the MNRF's Forest Biomass Program for review and evaluation by ministry staff.on00117
Amendment Without ApprovalThis form is to be completed by any licence or permit holder filing an amendment to a site plan under sections 13(3.2) or 37.2(5) of the Act and section 7.2 of Ontario Regulation 244/97 under the Aggregate Resource Act (i.e., “self-filing”).on00541
Application to Purchase Crown Shoreline Reserve or Road Allowance fronting Private LandsUse this form if you intend to purchase a Crown Shoreline Reserve or Road Allowance in front of your private waterfront property.018-0471
Independent Electricity System Operator Feed-In Tariff 5 (IESO FIT 5) ProgramThis procedural guidance document is intended for those proponents with renewable energy projects proposed in whole or in part on provincial Crown land who have received a Feed-In Tariff (FIT) 5 energy procurement contract offer by the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO).on00476
English Hunter Application for Waiver of Hunter Reporting PenaltyThis form allows a hunter to apply for a waiver of hunter reporting penalty when serious illness or injury incapacitated the hunter in the 24 hours before the reporting deadline preventing them from completing their report, or when a hunter who was hunting with an outfitter submitted their report but the outfitter didn’t provide the completed report to the Ministry.fw1017
Application for a Fur Dealer's LicenceThe Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997, prohibits the sale/purchase of game wildlife or specially protected wildlife, including pelts, except under the authority of a licence and in accordance with the regulations. Section 8 of Ontario Regulation 666/98 (Possession, Buying and Selling of Wildlife) enables a person who holds a Fur Dealer’s Licence to buy or sell pelts. In addition, a Fur Dealer’s Licence is generally required to tan, pluck or treat pelts.on00522
Request to Hunt From a Stationary Vehicle or Motor BoatIt is illegal to have a loaded firearm in or on, or discharge a firearm from, an aircraft, vehicle (including snowmobile and all-terrain vehicle) or motorboat. This form(s) is the application to request an authorization from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, to having a loaded firearm in a vehicle or motorboat if a person suffers from a severe disability that prevents them from hunting except while using a wheelchair or similar means of locomotion including vehicles and motorboats; and is unable to safely dismount the stationary vehicle (including a wheelchair) or motorboat to discharge a firearm. Completed forms must be submitted to NRISC@ontario.ca or mail to: Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Licensing and Client Services Section, Attention: Hunt from stationary vehicle, 300 Water Street., 5 North, Peterborough ON K9J 3C7.018-fw1034
Application for a Licence to Own and Operate a Train and Trial AreaThis licence allows an individual or corporation to own and operate a Train and Trial Area. Part A of this form contains the application for the licence and Part B contains the required annual report. Those who wish to apply for this licence must have previously been issued a Licence to Own and Operate a Train and Trial Area, applications for new areas will not be accepted. Applicants must submit Part A and Part B of this form, as well as a copy of their site map.on00710
Foster Care AgreementA foster caregiver is a person who acts as an agent under a wildlife custodian authorization by providing supplemental care of wildlife on the foster caregiver’s own premises. A wildlife custodian shall submit to the District Supervisor a completed Foster Care Agreement form for each foster caregiver within 48 hours of the foster caregiver first receiving game wildlife or specially protected wildlife for care and treatment.