Ontario Continuity of Reserves Schedule 13This schedule is to be completed to provide a continuity of all reserves claimed which are allowed for tax purposes.013-ocf-11b
Summary Report (OCF-11B)013-1399c
2002 CT23 Short-Form Corporations Tax and Annual Return / Guide # 1401B (2002)Annual corporate tax return and information guide for smaller corporations with permanent establishments in Ontario and meeting specific requirements.013-3483
Wine and Wine Cooler Return - B - Guide (Wineries that have off-site winery retail stores)This guide will help wine tax collectors that have off-site winery retail stores complete the Wine and Wine Cooler Return - B and Schedules.013-10056p
Form 1, Summons to a WitnessEvery summons to a witness to appear before a person appointed to make an investigation under section 11 or 13 of the Securities Act is required to be in Form 1, Summons to the Witness.013-1399b
2001 CT23 Short-Form Corporations Tax and Annual Return / Guide # 1401A (2001)Annual corporate tax return and information guide for smaller corporations with permanent establishments in Ontario and meeting specific requirements.013-05279
Application for Registration013-0418
Schedule - 8% Retail Sales TaxRST charge on a dollar figure013-0258
Application for Tax Rebate Vacancies in Commercial and Industrial BuildingsTo apply for Tax Rebate Vacancies in Commercial and Industrial Buildingson00530
Application for Ontario Propane Tax Exemption CertificateAllow for propane clients to access a standard form to register for an Ontario Propane Tax Exemption Certificate.on00571
Guide for Completing the Fuel Tax Distributor Return FT817Allow for fuel clients to access a standard guide to assist with completing the Fuel Tax Distributor Return.