Request for Approval Under s.13(1) of LAQR for Use of Site Specific Meterological dataThis form will be used to evaluate requests for the use of site-specific meteorological data under section 13 of Ontario Regulation 419/05: Air Pollution - Local Air Quality (the Regulation) made under the EPA012-2148
Laboratory Services NotificationFilled out by all regulated DWS, this form sets up the agreement between the DWS and an accredited lab to undertake all regulated testing. Form must be completed and submitted before any water samples are ever submitted to the lab.6272
Notice of Lead Exceedance Test Results Schools, Private Schools and Child Care Centres (O. Reg. 243/07)To report drinking water exceedances and corrective actions as required under O. Reg. 243/072174
Report of a Waste Audit - Industrial, Commercial and Institutional EstablishmentsThis report must be prepared 6 months before becoming subject to O. Reg. 102/94 and a copy retained on file for at least five years after it is prepared, and be made available to the ministry upon request.012-1224
Fire Department Pesticide Storage NotificationThis form, when completed and forwarded to the local fire department, serves as the notification required under Section 112 of O. Reg. 63/09 under the Pesticides Act.2190
Ethanol and Greener Diesel ReportingFor annual reporting from the regulated community under greener fuels regulations. greener diesel, ethanol in gasoline, greener fuels012-2089
Environmental Activity and Sector Registry (EASR) Solar Facility Notification FormApproved by Director (MOECC) for the purposes of section 5 (1) of O. Reg. 350/12.012-9166
Director Notification Alterations to a Drinking Water SystemThis form should be used IF Director notification is required by a condition of the drinking water works permit within thirty (30) days of the placing into service or completion of any addition, modification, replacement or extension of the drinking water system.012-2164
Notice of the Storage of Subject WasteThis form has been prepared to assist waste generation facilities to meet the notice and record keeping requirements of Section 17.2 of Regulation 347.012-2210
Mining Sites - Industry Standard Supplemental ApplicationPurpose of the form is to collect information for Registration to a Technical Standard under Section 39 of Ontario Regulation 419/05: Air Pollution - Local Air Quality.2179
Notification of Exceedance - Local Air Quality RegulationThis form will be used to collect information relating to measurerd or modelled air-related exceedances as required by s.25(9), s.28(1) and s.30(3) of Ontario Regulation 419/05: Air Pollution - Local Air Quality (the Regulation) made under the EPA012-2144
Registration as a Voluntary Participant in the Cap and Trade ProgramThis form is to be used by persons who are eligible to apply and who wish to apply for registration as a voluntary participant in the cap and trade program pursuant to Part IV of O.Reg 144/16 The Cap and Trade Program Regulation made under the Climate Change Mitigation and Low-carbon Economy Act, 2016 (the “Cap and Trade Regulation”).012-2015
Applications Respecting: Drinking Water Works Permits and Municipal Drinking Water LicencesDrinking Water Works Permits and Municipal Drinking Water Licences012-2032
Application for a Permit to Use a Pesticide in a Land ExterminationSection 7(1) of the Pesticides Act requires a person to hold a permit issued by the Director for a land extermination unless exempt under regulation. This application form for this purpose.012-0031
Director Letter Confirming Exemption from Licence and Permit Requirements for a Water ExterminationPursuant to subsection 98 (2) paragraph 5 of Ontario Regulation 63/09 under the Pesticides Act, a vendor may sell a pesticide to any person who presents a letter signed by the Director under the Pesticides Act confirming that the person meets the requirements set out in both subsections 83 (2) and 83 (3) of Ontario Regulation 63/09 under the Pesticides Act and is thus exempt from requiring an exterminator licence and a permit in respect to a water extermination.