Outlines the roles and responsibilities to Participants, Employers and Service Providers in the event of a Job Trial or a Job Match. Attached to the agreement is a Participant Employment Plan, which provides the opportunity for the Service Provider and the Participant to review the Job Trial or Job Match outcomes. The Participant Employment Plan form also includes a record of any expenditures and training supports that were agreed upon and utilized to assist achieve such outcomes.
This form will serve as a new common performance measures form for researchers funded through the Early Researcher Awards, the Ontario Research Fund - Research Excellence program and the Ontario Research Fund - Research Infrastructure program.
Skills Advance Ontario
**IMPORTANT - You must download Adobe Acrobat Reader (version 9.0 or above) to view/print PDF forms. To support the launch of the Canada-Ontario Job Grant Program. This specific form is the application to be completed by prospective employers or consortium interested in participating in the program.
The Employer Registration for Consortium form captures information about the consortium, participating employer, type of business and how many individuals it employs.