9 Forms found for form 7a

Ministries: Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

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  • 003-0168
    Inspection and Completion Certificate – Form 7

    Certify inspection and completion of drainage works by a municipal Drainage Inspector.
  • 003-0178
    Borrowing By-law for Use by a Regional Municipality, the County of Oxford or The District Municipality of Muskoka – Form 7

    For specific upper-tier municipalities to enact a borrowing by-law for drainage works on behalf of a lower-tier municipality.
  • on00557
    OMAFRA’s Meat Inspection Program Discussion Request Form

    This Meat Inspection Program Discussion Request Form is intended for use when further discussion is requested by producers/consigners and/or herd/flock veterinarians regarding condemnations or dispositions made at provincially licensed meat plants in Ontario and information included on Form 202: Whole and/or Partial Carcass(es) Condemnations.
  • on00583
    Application for a Non-Shopkeeper- Distributor Licence

    A non-shopkeeper distributor licence is required to sell or distribute fluid milk products if you sell more than 50% by volume of your fluid milk products wholesale and you: • process fluid milk products • buy fluid milk products wholesale, or • operate a shop where you also sell some fluid milk products directly to consumers Licences are issued for a period of up to three years and must be renewed before the expiry date stated on the licence.
  • on00196
    Application for an Amended Licence for the Operation of a Dairy Plant - The Milk Act (R.S.O. 1990, c.M12), and Regulations 761

    An application is required to make changes to the species of milk used, type of plant, milk class or subclass at a licenced dairy plant receiving cow milk. Details of these changes are provided in Regulation 761, s.96(2) under the Milk Act (Ontario). If these changes require alterations or modifications to a plant you must also submit an “Application for a Permit to Construct or Alter a Building Intended for use as a Dairy Plant - For Existing Applicants”.
  • on00577
    Consent to Revoke a Licence - Issued pursuant to Ontario Regulation 465/19: Fish Processing

    The licensee of a fish processing operation may consent to the revocation of their licence by a director if the operation no longer conducts regulated activities.
  • 003-atdia-004
    Application For a Business Licence (Licence to Install Drainage Works)

    To obtain a new business licence, the Regulations under the Agricultural Tile Drainage Installation Act indicate that all businesses must employ a least one Class “A” operator and have access to one licensed machines. To issue a new business licence, an inspection of your operation will be necessary. All business licences are issued for a one-year term expiring March 31; the fee for this licence is $250.00.
  • on00198
    Application for a Permit to Construct or Alter a Building Intended for Use as a Dairy Plant for New Applicants The Milk Act (R.S.O. 1990, c.M12), s.14 (1), (2), and (3) and Regulation 761

    Prior to beginning construction of a new dairy plant an "Application for a Permit to Construct or Alter a Building Intended for Use as a Dairy Plant – for New Applicants" must be completed and submitted and approved by the Director. This application must demonstrate, through drawings and other information as necessary, that the plant will be built to meet the regulatory requirements under the Milk Act (Ontario). An “Application for a Licence for the Operation of a Plant” must also be submitted with this permit application.
  • on00488
    Research Facility Application

    A registration is needed if you wish to operate a research, teaching, or testing facility in Ontario. This is required if your premises uses animals in research, teaching or testing and your premises are used for collecting, assembling, or maintaining of animals in connection with a research facility under R.S.O. 1990, c. A.22, s. 4. Please complete this application for registration of a research/teaching/testing facility in full, as per section 4 of the Animals for Research Act. The Director appointed under the Animals for Research Act will approve applications for registrations in accordance with the requirements of the Act. A registration expires on the 31st day of December of the year in which registration is made. Registration must be renewed annually. If an application includes more than one research, teaching or testing facility, details must be provided for each facility in the application, and payment of fees are required.