MOH CYMH Service Description SchedulesThe Service Description Schedule is part of the Transfer Payment Agreement between His Majesty the King in right of Ontario as represented by the Minister of Health (“the Province”) and the Transfer Payment Recipient. The Transfer Payment Recipient will deliver the programs and services in accordance with the requirements as outlined in this Service Description Schedule document in addition to all conditions and requirements within the Transfer Payment Agreement.1617-88
Statement of ExpensesStatement of Expense for Health Care Providers and Allied Health Care Professionals.014-2352-88
Application for Rehabilitation Incentive GrantApplication form completed by rehabilitation professionals applying to Underserviced Area Program for financial incentives, in return for filling full-time vacancies in MOHLTC fully-funded positions in Northern Ontario.014-4550-88
Application for Tuition Support Program for NursesApplication form completed by nursing candidates to apply to Tuition Support Program for Nurses for financial incentives.014-4727-88
Application for Northern and Rural Recruitment and Retention InitiativeApplication for physicians to apply for HFO Northern and Rural Recruitment & Retention Program014-2203-64
Toronto Clients Requisition for Biological Supplies (for use in M postal code areas only)Used by Toronto Clients to order Biological Supplies from Ontario Government Pharmaceutical and Medical Supply Service.5128
Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program. Change of InformationYou may use this form if you have applied and are enrolled in the Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program and would like to change the information provided at the time of application. Through this form, you can update applicant information, contact information, marital status and/or spousal information, income declaration, or withdraw consent to disclose personal information and/or personal health information.014-5126-20
Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program Application Through GuarantorYou may use this application form to apply for the Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program if you do not have a valid Social Insurance Number (SIN) and/or if you have not filed your Personal Tax Return(s) with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) for the most recent tax year. If you have a spouse (married or common law partner) who would also like to apply for the Program, they must complete their own application form.014-3693-87
Trillium Drug Program ApplicationThe Trillium Drug Program Application is available on the Ontario Drug Benefit Program Online Applications and Forms website: https://forms.ontariodrugbenefit.ca/. If you are not able to complete the form online, please contact the TDP at 416-642-3038 (Toronto area) or 1-800-575-5386 (outside Toronto) for a paper version of this form.014-4871-64
User Agreement for Pharmacies with a Licensed Injection-Trained Pharmacist Requesting Publicly Funded Influenza Vaccines for the 2024/2025 Universal Influenza Immunization Program (UIIP)User Agreement for Pharmacies Requesting Publicly Funded Influenza Vaccine in accordance with the UIIP Prequalification form for health care agencies and workplaces that are required to prequalify in order to receive influenza vaccine.014-4282-64
Prequalification Form for Organizations Requesting Publicly Funded Influenza Vaccine for the 2024/2025 Universal Influenza Immunization Program (UIIP)Prequalification form for health care agencies and workplaces that are required to prequalify in order to receive influenza vaccine.on00026
Healthy Smiles Ontario - Application Through GuarantorHealthy Smiles Ontario Application Through Guarantor form for the core services stream of the program. This form applies to applicants who do not have a valid SIN or have not filed taxes with the CRA, and a guarantor is required to support registration and eligibility adjudication.on00704
2024 Physician Assistant (PA) Career Start- CONTACT, RECRUITMENT AND FINANCIAL (CRF) FORMThe form collects contact, recruitment and financial information from applicants who have successfully recruited PA graduates.on00703
2024 Physician Assistant (PA) Career Start Grant Application FormThe Application form collects information from employers to determine their eligibility for funding through the PA Career Start Program.56-4965
Grow Your Own Nurse Practitioner Initiative - ApplicationThe Grow Your Own Nurse Practitioner Initiative Application is the application health care organizations must complete to request participation in the Grow Your Own Nurse Practitioner Initiative.014-3324e-53
Appointment of Radiation Protection Officeron00502
Laboratory RequisitionLaboratory Requisition Pursuant to the Mandatory Blood Testing Act, 2006 and O. Reg. 449/07 To support implementation of the Mandatory Blood Testing Act, 2006on00462
Respondent ReportForm 3 - Respondent Report - Pursuant to the Mandatory Blood Testing Act, 2006 and O. Reg. 449/07 To support implementation of the Mandatory Blood Testing Act, 2006