Application for a Permit to Construct or Alter a Building Intended for Use as a Dairy Plant For Existing Licensed Plants The Milk Act (R.S.O. 1990, c.M12), s.14 (1), (2), and (3) and Regulation 761Prior to beginning alterations to an existing dairy plant, an "Application for a Permit to Construct or Alter a Building Intended for Use as a Dairy Plant - for Existing Licensed Plants" must be completed and submitted and approved by the Director. This application must demonstrate, through drawings and other information as necessary, that the alterations to the plant will meet the regulatory requirements under the Milk Act (Ontario). In some cases an “Application for an Amended Licence for the Operation of a Dairy Plant” may also be required.on00198
Application for a Permit to Construct or Alter a Building Intended for Use as a Dairy Plant for New Applicants The Milk Act (R.S.O. 1990, c.M12), s.14 (1), (2), and (3) and Regulation 761Prior to beginning construction of a new dairy plant an "Application for a Permit to Construct or Alter a Building Intended for Use as a Dairy Plant – for New Applicants" must be completed and submitted and approved by the Director. This application must demonstrate, through drawings and other information as necessary, that the plant will be built to meet the regulatory requirements under the Milk Act (Ontario). An “Application for a Licence for the Operation of a Plant” must also be submitted with this permit application.on00061
Application for a Goat Bulk Tank Milk GraderA goat bulk tank milk grader certificate is required for the grading, sampling, measuring and collection of raw goat milk from farm bulk tanks in Ontario.on00285
Application for Licence as a Deadstock Facility, Collector or Broker under the Food Safety and Quality Act, 2001 and O. Reg. 105/09A licence is required for a person in the business of receiving, collecting and/or transporting deadstock. Once the application and supporting documents are completed and submitted, the ministry will review. After it is approved, a licence will be mailed to the applicant.on00350
Special Sales Licence Application Livestock Community Sales ActA licence is required to carry out the community sales of consigned livestock in Ontario. This applies to an operator licensed for Class 1 or Class 2 community sales to hold an extra community sale not authorized by the licence for Class 1 or Class 2 community sales.on00349
Regular Sales Licence Application Livestock Community Sales ActA licence is required to carry out the community sales of consigned livestock in Ontario.003-nm-002
Nutrient Management Strategy and/or Plan Sign-OffTo provide a sign-off to the Nutrient Management Plan.04-0201
Non-Agricultural Source Materials (NASM) Plan Registration FormTo register agricultural operations that intend to land apply Catergory 2 non-agricultural source materials (NASM) with a low metals content.003-nm-005
Nutrient Management Farm Registration FormTo register your Farm Unit under the Nutrient Management Program.003-nm-001
Farm Unit DeclarationTo identify properties included as part of the farm unit for the purposes of the Nutrient Management Act.003-nm-007
Engineering Requirement FormThe Engineering Requirement Form indicates which components of a Nutrient Management Strategy will require engineering design and site review of construction. These components are reconciled with the Engineers Commitment Certificate at the building permit application stage.on00197
Application for Certificate to Act as an ExaminerFor non-emergency, on-farm slaughter, a certificate is required to provide stunning, slaughter and dressing services, perform ante mortem and post mortem examinations and ensure humane animal handling and sanitary dressing.003-atdia-005
Application To Upgrade a Machine Operator's LicenceAn application is required in order upgrade a machine operator's licence used to operate a tile drainage machine.003-atdia-004
Application For a Business Licence (Licence to Install Drainage Works)To obtain a new business licence, the Regulations under the Agricultural Tile Drainage Installation Act indicate that all businesses must employ a least one Class “A” operator and have access to one licensed machines. To issue a new business licence, an inspection of your operation will be necessary. All business licences are issued for a one-year term expiring March 31; the fee for this licence is $250.00.003-atdia-003
Notice of Transfer of a MachineWhen a tile drainage machine changes ownership, the Regulations under the Agricultural Tile Drainage Installation Act requires that a notice of transfer of a machine must be completed and submitted within ten days after the transfer occurs. Where the machine is already licensed, this licence will be transferred to the new owner.003-atdia-002
Application For a Machine LicenceA machine licence is required for a machine used to install tile drainage on agricultural land.003-atdia-001
Application For a Machine Operator's LicenceA licence is required to operate a tile drainage machine.