Borrowing By-law for a Regional Municipality, the County of Oxford or The District Municipality of Muskoka – Form 3A by-law for specific upper-tier municipalities to raise money to aid in the construction of drainage works under the Tile Drainage Act.003-0190
Notice of Engineer's Recommendation Not to ProceedTo take notice that the engineer appointed by council in response to a petition for drainage works has investigated and reported that the proposed drainage works is not recommended to proceed003-0316
Order to Destroy Noxious Weeds or Weed SeedsThis form is used by Municipal Weed Inspectors, Bylaw Officers, etc., to order the destruction of specified noxious weeds or weed seeds under the Weed Control Act. The form sets out the owner of the property, its location, the specific noxious weed species or noxious weed seeds to be destroyed and the timeline in which to do so.003-0202
Notice of Request for Drain Maintenance and/or RepairNotice that person affected by a drain requests that it be maintained and repaired in accordance with section 74 and 79(1) of the Drainage Act.003-0179
Notice of Compensation Paid for Insufficient Outlet and/or Loss of Access – Form 8To give notice to property owner for compensation paid due to insufficient outlet or loss of access.003-0185
Generic Notice of Appeal to Tribunal By Petitioner(s) or Property Owner(s)Notice that Petitioners or Property Owners appeal to the Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Appeal Tribunal003-nm-007
Engineering Requirement FormThe Engineering Requirement Form indicates which components of a Nutrient Management Strategy will require engineering design and site review of construction. These components are reconciled with the Engineers Commitment Certificate at the building permit application stage.003-0176
By-law for Municipalities Not Within a Regional Municipality, the County of Oxford or The District Municipality of Muskoka – Form 5For lower-tier municipalities to enact a by-law for drainage works.003-0350
Merchandising Materials/Resources OrderThis form is used to order Foodland Ontario merchandising materials (POS) and resources003-0183
Notice to Repair an Award Drain Constructed Under the Ditches and Watercourses ActIn accordance with section 3(18) of the Drainage Act, every ditch constructed under the Ditches and Watercourses Act shall be maintained in accordance with the award of the engineer. Notification to maintain a section of drain that has been assigned.003-0186
Notice That Environmental Appraisal RequiredNotice that an Environmental Appraisal is required for the area of the drainage works003-0191
Notice of Meeting to Consider the Engineer's ReportIn accordance with section 42 of the Drainage Act, an owner of land affected by the proposed drainage works is requested to attend a council meeting to consider the final report filed with the City, County, Municipality, Town, Township or Village.003-0168
Inspection and Completion Certificate – Form 7Certify inspection and completion of drainage works by a municipal Drainage Inspector.003-0196
Notice of Appeal to Court of RevisionNotice that an owner or owners of land assessed for a drainage works, appeal to the Drainage Court of Revision under: Section 52 (1) for the construction or improvement of a drain; or Section 76 (4)003-0173
Petition for Drainage Works by Owners – Form 1To allow property owner(s) to petition municipal council for a new drainage works.003-0177
By-law for Municipalities Within a Regional Municipality, the County of Oxford or The District Municipality of Muskoka – Form 6For lower-tier municipalities located within specific upper-tier municipalities to enact a by-law for drainage works.003-0199
Notice to Remove Obstructions From Drainage WorksNotice to a property owner to remove obstructions from drainage workson00197
Application for Certificate to Act as an ExaminerFor non-emergency, on-farm slaughter, a certificate is required to provide stunning, slaughter and dressing services, perform ante mortem and post mortem examinations and ensure humane animal handling and sanitary dressing.003-atdia-005
Application To Upgrade a Machine Operator's LicenceAn application is required in order upgrade a machine operator's licence used to operate a tile drainage machine.003-atdia-004
Application For a Business Licence (Licence to Install Drainage Works)To obtain a new business licence, the Regulations under the Agricultural Tile Drainage Installation Act indicate that all businesses must employ a least one Class “A” operator and have access to one licensed machines. To issue a new business licence, an inspection of your operation will be necessary. All business licences are issued for a one-year term expiring March 31; the fee for this licence is $250.00.