A registration is needed if you wish to operate a research, teaching, or testing facility in Ontario. This is required if your premises uses animals in research, teaching or testing and your premises are used for collecting, assembling, or maintaining of animals in connection with a research facility under R.S.O. 1990, c. A.22, s. 4. Please complete this application for registration of a research/teaching/testing facility in full, as per section 4 of the Animals for Research Act.
The Director appointed under the Animals for Research Act will approve applications for registrations in accordance with the requirements of the Act.
A registration expires on the 31st day of December of the year in which registration is made. Registration must be renewed annually. If an application includes more than one research, teaching or testing facility, details must be provided for each facility in the application, and payment of fees are required.
You can submit a request if you wish to:
• access general records held by institutions (for example, Ontario government ministries, colleges, universities, agencies, municipalities)
• request your own personal information
• correct your personal information
• access another individual’s personal information (with appropriate authorization or consent of the individual)
The application for a meat plant licence includes the completion of a Business Profile. The Business Profile is to be completed by the licensee and reviewed by OMAFRA. It captures necessary information used to assess the types of regulated activities conducted by the operation and the level of inspection services required at the facility. It also requires updates and resubmission every three years and when any changes occur to any of the contained information.
A certificate of registration issued by the Provincial Apiarist is required for a person who owns or is in possession of honey bees or beekeeping equipment, but does not include a person who is in possession of new beekeeping equipment for the purpose of transportation, distribution or sale or who is a manufacturer of beekeeping equipment.
Amateur Event Permit Application
Please use this form if you have received an order or notice under one of the following pieces of legislation and are paying the amount of your order or notice, or you are applying for a review.
• Employment Standards Act, 2000
• Employment Protection for Foreign Nationals Act, 2009
Professional combative sport officials licence application.
Professional combative sport contestant licence application.
This form is used by applicants seeking to become commissioners for taking affidavits in Ontario. If you are a student-at-law (articling student), or a law student working for a lawyer, please use the form "Commissioner for Taking Affidavits - Student-at-Law / Law Student Application".
This form is used by students-at-law (articling students), and by law students working for a lawyer, who seek to become commissioners for taking affidavits. If you are not a student-at-law or a law student employed by a lawyer, please use the form "Commissioner for Taking Affidavits - General Application".
This form is used by non-lawyers seeking to become notaries public in Ontario.
This information sheet instructs commissioners for taking affidavits in Ontario how to renew their appointments or make changes to the wording of their appointments (e.g. change of legal name).
This information sheet instructs non-lawyer notaries public in Ontario how to request a reappointment or make changes to the wording of their appointments (e.g. change of legal name).